Entanglement in Many Body Quantum Systems 

    Riera Graells, Arnau (Fecha de defensa: 2010-03-18)

    THESIS SUMMARY<br/><br/>TEXT:<br/><br/>This thesis is made of two parts. In the first one, the issue of entanglement in many body systems is addressed. The concept of entanglement and some of the recent progress on the ...

    Interface Dynamics in Two-dimensional Viscous Flows. 

    Pauné i Xuriguera, Eduard (Fecha de defensa: 2002-11-15)

    The subject of this thesis is viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cells, or Hele-Shaw flows. We look for insights into the fundamental mechanisms<br/>underlying the physics of interface dynamics, which we hope will exhibit some ...

    Model d'Ising amb camps aleatoris: propietats i aplicacions 

    Illa i Tortós, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2007-01-23)

    S:<br/><br/>L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és aprofundir en l'estudi dels models microscòpics que permeten estudiar la histèresi. Aquest fenomen està present en moltes àrees de la física i ha despertat l'interès de ...