Now showing items 193-212 of 233

    Responsabilidad social corporativa y producción de un espacio minero. Un análisis de 23 grandes yacimientos de cobre en el mundo (2006-2010), con énfasis en Chile y Australia 

    Devenin Vera, Verónica (Date of defense: 2015-03-23)

    El incremento significativo de proyectos mineros de las últimas décadas, particularmente en los países del Sur, ha puesto de relieve la magnitud de los impactos socio-ambientales que esta actividad conlleva. Ante esta ...

    Retiment de comptes en el sector públic universitari a través d’un model de comptabilitat analítica i un sistema d’indicadors de costos, pressupostaris i financers 

    Garcia Marimon, Xavier (Date of defense: 2021-07-15)

    La comptabilitat analítica no és quelcom que es pugui regular i normalitzar. Dins de la ciència comptable hi ha un ampli marc normatiu per a la comptabilitat financera, però és pràcticament inexistent respecte la comptabilitat ...

    Risk Analytics in Econometrics 

    Pesantez Narvaez, Jessica Estefania (Date of defense: 2021-06-02)

    This thesis addresses the framework of risk analytics as a compendium of four main pillars: (i) big data, (ii) intensive programming, (iii) advanced analytics and machine learning, and (iv) risk analysis. Under the latter ...

    The role of Personal Values in the Entrepreneurship Research. An analysis of new trends, decision making and success of entrepreneurs 

    Hernández Del Valle, Karla Paola (Date of defense: 2021-03-05)

    Nowadays entrepreneurs deal with new technological, social and environmental challenges. Faced with this unpredictable environment, personal values can help to understand the decisions that have to be made. Personal values ...

    The role of responsible innovation in increasing firm performance in small and medium-sized enterprises and increasing their sustainability 

    Gonzales Gemio, Carla Tattiana (Date of defense: 2021-03-22)

    It is difficult to imagine life without changes influenced by technology and innovation, which are characteristic of the era in which we live, with changes that, albeit always present throughout the history of mankind, are ...

    Salarios durante la industrialización en Chile (1927/1928-1973) 

    Reyes Campos, Nora Paz (Date of defense: 2017-10-05)

    El período de crecimiento económico que aquí analizaremos se caracteriza por el foco que pondrá el Estado en el desarrollo de la política industrial, su influencia en el impulso de ciertos sectores considerados estratégicos ...

    Servant Leadership and Employee Work Outcomes: Uncovering Underlying Mechanisms by Examining Moderator and Mediator Variables 

    Minaei, Vahid (Date of defense: 2023-09-06)

    [eng] This thesis sought to address the underlying mechanisms through which servant leadership influences employees’ work outcomes, exploring the boundary conditions, mediators, and moderators related to followers’ individual ...

    Significados de la sexualidad y salud reproductiva: el caso de las y los adolescentes de Colombia 

    Pacheco Sánchez, Carlos Iván (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    Partiendo de la hipótesis que la salud sexual y la salud reproductiva de las y los adolescentes en Colombia está influenciada de manera muy importante por el sentido común sobre la sexualidad y los significados que de este ...

    Sociometabolic analysis of a traditional Mediterranean agroecosystem. Historical transition and Biocultural Heritage. (Les Oluges, Catalonia, c.1860-1959-1999) 

    Díez Sanjuán, Lucía (Date of defense: 2019-09-26)

    ith the spread of the Green Revolution from the mid-20th century, large part of the agricultural systems in the world experienced a series of transformations that have ultimately led to important sustainability problems. ...

    La sostenibilidad social de los sistemas agroalimentarios: Análisis comparativo para una visión integradora de la agricultura 

    Capdevila Murillo, Carmen (Date of defense: 2023-10-30)

    [spa] Existe un amplio consenso sobre el papel que desempeñan los sistemas agroalimentarios en los cambios medioambientales globales, en especial, sobre los impactos derivados del modelo agroindustrial. Por ello, la ...

    Spanish Muslims' halal food purchase intention 

    Pradana, Mahir (Date of defense: 2021-02-19)

    For centuries, halal is a spiritual concept that Muslims continue to follow in their daily lives, specifically when purchasing and consuming products. The Muslim community takes up a big part of the world population. The ...

    State capacity, Catholic missions and education in colonial Mozambique 

    Fernández Cebrián, Pablo (Date of defense: 2022-12-21)

    [eng] Consolidating state capacity and ensuring inclusive access to quality education are two of the greatest challenges facing countries around the world today, and are particularly relevant for many African states. ...

    Strategic Interactions in Marketing: A Dynamic Approach 

    Lu, Lijue (Date of defense: 2019-11-18)

    The aim of the thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the strategic and dynamic interactions in some marketing problems by using a differential game approach. Specifically, in the first study, we analyze a ...

    Strategic recovery for digitally underdeveloped sharing economy components: Coworking spaces’ digitalization in time of pandemic 

    Saka, Tugce Nuray (Date of defense: 2024-01-09)

    [eng] COVID-19 crisis marked a milestone for all organizations to reconsider digitalization priorities. Coworking spaces, as digitally underdeveloped components of the sharing economy, carried out a series of digital ...

    Struggling Workers in a Changing World: Three Essays on Labour Economics and Political Economy 

    Cuccu, Liliana (Date of defense: 2023-06-20)

    [eng] The question of whether automation will cause mass unemployment has been a pressing concern in recent years. While estimates on the number of automatable occupations vary, the prospect of a substantial share of jobs ...

    SutteARIMA is a New Approach to Forecast Economics, Business, and Actuarial Data 

    Ahmar, Ansari Saleh (Date of defense: 2022-05-11)

    The main objective of this study was to develop a new forecasting method i.e. SutteARIMA method. SutteARIMA was developed by using a combination and/or weaknesses of some forecasting methods that already exist (α-Sutte ...

    The Consequences of the Social Contract in Income Inequality: A comparison study of Germany and Brazil 

    Büdgen Escario, Christian (Date of defense: 2020-06-19)

    Reputable international organisations, such as OECD and ECLAC have revealed that although the tools actually do exist to tackle inequality, policy-makers have not been able to undertake effective policies to face this ...

    The development of family policies in a familist welfare state: the Spanish case, 1900-1958 

    Verd Llabrés, Guillem (Date of defense: 2023-11-27)

    [eng] The low development of family policies has been considered a fundamental feature of contemporary southern European welfare states. As a result, family relations and inter-generational solidarity emerged as preferred ...

    The effects of organizational initiating actions on nurses' outcomes: A social exchange perspective 

    Garcia Pereyra, Facundo (Date of defense: 2023-07-20)

    [eng] Nurses are critical a part of the healthcare system and determine overall patient satisfaction and quality care. However, according to the World Health Organization, the scarcity of nurses on a global level has been ...

    The emerging landscape of Social Media Data Collection: anticipating trends and addressing future challenges 

    Sáez Ortuño, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-09-21)

    [spa] Las redes sociales se han convertido en una herramienta poderosa para crear y compartir contenido generado por usuarios en todo internet. El amplio uso de las redes sociales ha llevado a generar una enorme cantidad ...