Now showing items 1-20 of 102

    Analysis of Emerging Market Multinationals’ subsidiaries in developed host countries: An institutional theory approach 

    Barahona Márquez, Felix (Date of defense: 2018-01-19)

    During the last decade, the emerging market multinational enterprises (EMNEs) appeared on the world scene, increasing their presence not only in emerging countries but in most of the developed countries as well, home to ...

    An analytical study about the relationship between Green Supply Chain Management practices and Organizational Performance 

    Amirbagheri, Keivan (Date of defense: 2019-12-17)

    En esta disertación de doctorado en tres capítulos principales, estudié un estudio analítico sobre la relación entre las prácticas de Green Supply Chain Management y el desempeño organizacional utilizando tres metodologías ...

    Análisis de la implantación de la estrategia de servitización en las empresas manufactureras españolas 

    Castellón Orozco, Helen Davilene (Date of defense: 2020-11-13)

    La elevada competencia a la que se enfrentan las empresas manufactureras hoy en día obliga a las organizaciones a establecer nuevas estrategias de diferenciación. En la búsqueda de esta diferencia, las empresas manufactureras ...

    Análisis de modelos de demanda del consumidor: especificación del AIDS-aplicación al caso español 

    Marín Feria, Susana (Date of defense: 1987-01-01)

    La presente tesis se enmarca dentro del campo económico de la “teoría del consumidor” y, más concretamente, se dirige al análisis de los sistemas completos de ecuaciones de demanda. De las posibilidades que genera el ...

    Análisis multivariante de series temporales: dominio frecuencial frente a dominio temporal 

    Alegre Escolano, Antonio (Date of defense: 1979-01-01)

    La tesis se estructura en 6 capítulos. El capítulo 1, a modo de introducción, cubre tres objetivos que son los siguientes: justificación de la elección del tema objeto de estudio, situación del tema de la investigación en ...

    Bank and Sovereign Risk: The Case of European Economic and Monetary Union 

    Singh, Manish Kumar (Date of defense: 2018-06-15)

    This thesis consists of four self-contained but related papers trying to uncover different aspects of banking and sovereign risk in the member countries of European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). From a methodological ...

    Building knowledge in performance measurement and management: A critical realist approach 

    Armstrong, Ryan (Date of defense: 2018-12-19)

    Within management and organizational studies, researchers and practitioners alike have maintained a constant interest in the topic performance management as a means of improving individual and organizational performance. ...

    Business Innovation: measurement, treatment and decision making in uncertain environments 

    Alfaro-García, Víctor G. (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

    It is generally accepted that innovation is a source of competitiveness for companies and nations. The impact of innovation activities on business performance ranges from the effect on sales and market share to the improvement ...

    Business Model Innovation and Firm Performance: A Performance Feedback Perspective 

    Abou-Ali, Adeline (Date of defense: 2024-05-14)

    [eng] This dissertation is presented as a collection of papers. Therefore, chapters 2 to 5 are written in the format of four stand-alone articles. Each chapter is intending to meet the specific objectives described in the ...

    Characterization and measurement of social responsibility in micro, small and medium enterprises of the Caribbean Region of Colombia 

    León, Guillén (Date of defense: 2019-12-03)

    Despite the literature on corporate social responsibility of small and medium enterprises has grown in recent years, knowledge on the subject is still fragmented and has not yet achieved a coherent theory of social ...

    Conductas, comportamientos y pautas de éxito en la generación de valor empresarial 

    Sevy Elías, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2017-09-19)

    El propósito que se pretende con la presente investigación es el análisis de un conjunto de atributos de los trabajadores así como de iniciativas, comportamientos y pautas empresariales para la contribución y mejora del ...

    Contemporary discourses around corporate social responsibility and their influence on business and society relations 

    Kowszyk, Yanina (Date of defense: 2022-12-15)

    [eng] This thesis is about discourses in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and specifically the discussion around the role of business and their contribution towards social development. These issues have ...

    Cyclical Patterns and Sustainability of Fiscal Policy at Regional Level: the Spanish Case 

    Mussons, Joan Maria (Date of defense: 2018-07-12)

    Concerns over sustainability and the cyclical pattern of public finances have been especially great since the onset of the global financial crisis. This thesis comprises four essays which aim to examine those concerns with ...

    El ciclo de desindustrialización de la Argentina y sus consecuencias estructurales. Un análisis de la etapa 1976-2010 

    Herrera Bartis, Germán (Date of defense: 2019-02-08)

    Esta investigación se propuso como objetivo principal analizar los aspectos centrales que caracterizaron al proceso de desindustrialización de la Argentina entre 1976 y 2010. A lo largo de los cinco capítulos que componen ...

    El gasto sanitario en Cataluña: análisis del gasto sanitario privado y su contribución a la política sanitaria 

    Rodríguez Martínez, Marisol, 1951- (Date of defense: 1988-01-01)

    La cifra total estimada de gasto sanitario en Cataluña para el año 1981 es de 174.872 M. de Ptas., que suponen un 5,1% del PIB catalán ese año. La financiación pública constituyó el 73,2% de todos los gastos, y la financiación ...

    Empirical Essays on Economics and Language 

    Mallén Alberdi, Bernat (Date of defense: 2023-11-21)

    [eng] This thesis presents three essays on Economics and Language, in chapter 2, 3 and 4, with a previous general introduction and a final conclusión. In the first article (chapter 2), together with my advisor Antonio Di ...

    Ensayos sobre Economías de Aglomeración 

    Torres Gutiérrez, Tania (Date of defense: 2017-11-24)

    Esta tesis desarrolla tres ensayos sobre economías de aglomeración para las ciudades de Ecuador. El primero corresponde a la distribución geográfica de la industria, que cumple dos objetivos: (i) Medir la concentración ...

    Essays in Development and Environmental Economics 

    Pagel, Jeffrey M. (Date of defense: 2021-10-04)

    Fighting poverty and protecting the environment are two of the most urgent challenges facing the international community at the start of the 21st century (United Nations, 2015). One aspect that will be crucial in this ...

    Essays in Development Economics 

    Moscoso Miranda, Henry Bernard (Date of defense: 2021-10-13)

    Development economics seeks to provide evidence to improve life quality standards of the societies. This thesis contributes to this field with a multidisciplinary research on health, environmental and crime economics. This ...