Improvement of seasonal forecasting techniques applied to water resources and forest fires 

    Marcos Matamoros, Raül (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-09)

    This thesis studies the benefits of different calibration approaches on seasonal forecasting and the improvement of seasonal prognosis of water resources and forest fires. Droughts and wildfires are an inherent problem to ...

    Integral spectroscopy of black hole transients and multi-wavelengh study of a new accreting binary system 

    Caballero García, María Dolores (Fecha de defensa: 2008-06-27)

    En esta tesis utilizamos los instrumentos de altas energías del satélite INTEGRAL para hacer espectroscopía y la cámara OMC para hacer fotometría de dos tipos diferentes de objetos celestes emisores ...

    Large scale structure and dark energy 

    Cabré Albós, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2008-06-30)

    The cosmic expansion history tests the dynamics of the global evolution of the universe<br/>and its energy density contents, while the cosmic growth history tests the evolution of the<br/>inhomogeneous part of the energy ...

    Large scale structure with Lyman-alpha absorption surveys 

    Font Ribera, Andreu (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-30)

    [cat] Gran part dels estudis presentats en aquesta tesi doctoral estan vinculats als esforços per detectar les oscil·lacions acústiques dels barions (BAO, de l’anglès Baryon Acoustic Oscillations) en la funció de correlació ...

    Magnetized Dense Cores. Observational characterization and comparison with models 

    Frau Méndez, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2012-06-12)

    It is some observational evidence that dense cores are the birthplace of low-mass stars. These regions, apparently quiescent, are capable of surviving several free-fall times and, potentially, collapse and form stars. ...

    Microquasar jets and their interaction with the medium: theoretical studies and observations with the MAGIC telescope 

    Bordas Coma, Pol (Fecha de defensa: 2009-10-14)

    [eng] The present thesis focuses on the investigation of some of the high energy processes ocurring in microquasars. The matter content and the power transported in the jets of microquasars are studied, the effects that ...

    Milky Way-like galaxy simulations in the Gaia era: disk large scale structures and baryonic content 

    Roca Fàbrega, Santi (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-26)

    Simulations have shown to be one of the best tools to study properties of galactic large scale structures and their effects on to the local kinematics of stars. The aims of this thesis are: i) To obtain realistic N-body ...

    Modeling the atmospheric boundary layer in stably stratified conditions and over complex terrain areas: from mesoscale to LES 

    Udina Sistach, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-10)

    The atmospheric boundary layer in stably-stratified conditions and over non-homogeneous terrain becomes a complex system with many interactions of physical processes occurring in a wide range of different spatial and ...

    Modeling the gravitational clustering in hierarchical scenarios of structure formation 

    Manrique Oliva, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 1995-09-26)

    En la tesis se presenta un método semianalítico para describir el crecimiento de objetos virializados en el escenario de inestabilidad gravitatoria. Se ha desarrollado el formalismo del sistema confluente de trayectorias, ...

    Modelització de precipitacions intenses en zones d'orografia complexa: casos d'estudi al Pirineu Oriental 

    Trapero i Bagué, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-03)

    Els episodis de precipitació intensa en zones de muntanya sovint es veuen afavorits pels efectes orogràfics que actuen com a mecanismes que modifiquen la precipitació. Aquest treball vol contribuir a millorar el coneixement ...

    Modelització i simulació fotoquímica mesoscalar del transport del material particulat i gasos a l’atmosfera 

    Arasa Agudo, Raúl (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-20)

    Durant les últimes dècades la quantitat de gasos i partícules contaminants que s’han injectat a l’atmosfera ha augmentat considerablement. Evidència d’aquesta informació són les elevades concentracions de diòxid de nitrogen ...

    Modelling SEP events: latitudinal and longitudinal dependence of the injection rate of shock-accelerated protons and their flux profiles 

    Rodríguez Gasén, Rosa (Fecha de defensa: 2011-05-06)

    Gradual SEP events is one of the greatest hazards in space environment, particularly for the launch and operation of spacecraft and for manned exploration. Predictions of their occurrence and intensity are essential to ...

    Modelo politrópico de cúmulo de galaxias con segregación morfológica inducida por barrido de presión cinética 

    Solanes Majúa, Josep Maria (Fecha de defensa: 1990-09-28)

    El desarrollo de un modelo politrópico y autoconsistente de cúmulo rico de galaxias ha permitido caracterizar las propiedades estructurales y cinemáticas típicas de estos sistemas, así como estudiar detalladamente los ...

    Moving Groups as imprints of the non-axisymetric components of the Milky Way 

    Antoja Castelltort, M. Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2010-04-30)

    One of the most intriguing features of the stellar velocity distribution in the solar neighbourhood is the existence of moving groups. At present, the origin of these kinematic structures is far from completely understood ...

    Near-relativistic electron events. Monte Carlo simulations of solar injection and interplanetary transport 

    Àgueda Costafreda, Neus (Fecha de defensa: 2008-04-28)

    We have developed a Monte Carlo model to simulate the transport of solar near-relativistic (NR; 30-300 keV) electrons along the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), including adiabatic focusing, pitch-angle dependent ...

    A new classification of gamma-ray bursts and its cosmological implications 

    Balastegui Manso, Andreu (Fecha de defensa: 2006-04-20)

    Los estallidos de rayos gamma (del inglés gamma-ray bursts o GRBs para abreviar) se han clasificado tradicionalmente en GRBs cortos y duros, y GRBs largos y blandos, de acuerdo a la distribución biomodal de sus duraciones. ...

    New Observational Techniques and Analysis Tools for Wide Field CCD Surveys and High Resolution Astrometry 

    Fors Aldrich, Octavi (Fecha de defensa: 2006-03-07)

    The aim of this thesis is two-fold. First it provides a general methodology for applying image deconvolution to wide-field CCD imagery. Second, two new CCD observational techniques and two data analysis tools are proposed ...

    Non-thermal emission from high-energy binaries through interferometric radio observations 

    Marcote Martin, Benito (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-27)

    High-mass binary systems involve extreme environments that produce non-thermal emission from radio to gamma rays. Only three types of these systems are known to emit persistent gamma-ray emission: colliding-wind binaries, ...

    Observació radiomètrica de radioestrelles 

    Paredes i Poy, Josep Maria (Fecha de defensa: 1987-01-09)

    En aquest treball es presenta l'estudi realitzat, des de l'any 1982, d'un grup d'estrelles que tenen com a característica comuna l'emissió radio. Aquestes estrelles, que anomenarem radioestrelles, i entre les quals no ...

    Observational and theoretical study of the interaction of relativistic winds from young pulsars with inhomogeneous stellar winds 

    Paredes Fortuny, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-17)

    Gamma-ray binaries are systems that comprise a compact object orbiting a companion star and display the maximum of the non-thermal Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) in gamma rays. Currently we know five gamma-ray binaries. ...