Solar Irradiance Variations Induced by Faculae and Small Magnetic Elements in the Photosphere 

    Ortiz Carbonell, Ada Natalia (Fecha de defensa: 2003-10-10)

    The aim of this thesis is the study of the total and spectral solar irradiance variability induced by the presence of small magnetic elements that emerge into the solar photosphere. It is important to study changes in the ...

    Star formation in cluster environments at Mm and Submm wavelenghts 

    Palau Puigvert, Aina (Fecha de defensa: 2006-07-20)

    [spa] En este trabajo se han observado 4 regiones de formación estelar en modo de cúmulo a longitudes de onda milimétricas y submilimétricas con alta resolución angular (2''-4'') y alta sensibilidad. Para llevar a cabo el ...

    Structure and Dynamics of Clusters and the HI Content of Spiral Galaxies, The 

    Sanchis Estruch, María Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2003-12-01)

    This thesis is focused on the implication of de dynamics of clusters on the HI content of galaxies. Target of this study has been the Virgo cluster region.<br/><br/>We have first inferred the three-dimensional galaxy ...

    Structure and nature of gamma-ray binaries by means of VLBI observations 

    Moldón Vara, Francisco Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-05)

    Gamma-ray binaries are extreme systems that produce non-thermal emission from radio to very-high-energy (above TeV) gamma rays, with the energy output in the spectral energy distribution (SED) dominated by the MeV–GeV ...

    Study of Adaptive Optics Images by means of Multiscalar Transforms 

    Baena Gallé, Roberto (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-09)

    Adaptive optics (AO) systems are used to increase the spatial resolution achieved by ground-based telescopes, which are limited by the atmospheric motion of air layers above them. Therefore, the real cut-off frequency is ...

    Subsynoptic characterization of tropopause fold structure with glogal data anlyses and mesoscale WRF simulations 

    Mateu i Santaeulària, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    In this work, a subsynoptic characterization of tropopause fold structures is derived from one-year of global, high resolution GFS (Global Forecasting System, 0.3 degrees) data analyses and 10 years of daily WRF (Weather ...

    Superposició de sistemes estel·lars a simetria cilíndrica 

    Cubarsi Morera, Rafael (Fecha de defensa: 1988-11-15)

    S'estudia la superposició de dos sistemes estel·lars a partir de l'aproximació de Chandrasekhar sota la hipòtesi de simetria cilíndrica, en un cas general no estacionari. Les equacions diferencials de Chandrasekhar es ...

    Suspended particulate matter and wet deposition fluxes in regional background stations of the Iberian Peninsula : a detailed study of african dust outbreaks 

    Escudero Tellechea, Miguel (Fecha de defensa: 2006-06-22)

    [spa] La presencia de partículas sólidas y/o líquidas en la atmósfera (aerosol atmosférico) tiene diversas implicaciones sobre el clima, la visibilidad, la salud de los humanos y diversos ciclos biogeoquímicos. Debido a ...

    The effect of activity on the fundamental properties of low-mass stars 

    Morales Peralta, Juan Carlos (Fecha de defensa: 2010-06-14)

    The comparison between stellar structure models and observations of low-mass stars revealed that the stellar radii predicted by models for these stars are about 10% lower than observed, while effective temperatures are ...

    The evolution of the Brewer-Dobson circulation and the ozone layer during the last three decades 

    Ossó Castillón, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-10)

    In 1985 Joseph Farman and his colleagues of the British Antarctic Survey published a paper [Farman et al. 1985] showing that the total ozone content of the atmosphere during the Antarctic spring had decreased dramatically ...

    The keV-TeV connection in gamma-ray binaries 

    Zabalza de Torres, Victor (Fecha de defensa: 2011-05-13)

    Gamma-ray binaries are systems that comprise a young, massive star and a compact object that can be either a young pulsar or a black hole. They emit radiation from radio up to tens of TeV and show flux variability along ...

    The radio emitting X-ray binary systems LS 1+61°303 and Cygnus X-3 

    Peracaula i Bosch, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 1997-06-16)

    The purpose of this work has been the study of Radio Emitting X-Ray Binaries (REXRBs) both from the observational and theoretical approaches. <br/><br/>We have mainly concentrated in the analysis of their properties inferred ...

    The star-forming core ahead of HH 80N: studying the interaction with a parsec scale jet 

    Masqué Saumell, Josep Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2012-03-23)

    The region GGD 27, located in Sagittarius at a distance of 1.7 kpc, is an active star forming region. The most well-known observational signature of this region, the HH 80/81/80N jet, is one of the largest collimated jet ...

    The use of Java in large scientific applications in HPC environments 

    Fries, Aidan (Fecha de defensa: 2013-01-21)

    Java is a very commonly used computer programming language, although its use amongst the scientific and High Performance Computing (HPC) communities remains relatively low. In this thesis, the option of using Java for ...

    Timing the chemical evolution of the dense gas in high-mass star forming regions 

    Busquet Rico, Gemma (Fecha de defensa: 2010-12-20)

    [spa] Diversos estudios observacionales, principalmente de regiones de formación estelar de baja masa, muestran que el cociente NH3/N2H+ es bajo en núcleos asociados con objetos estelares jóvenes mientras que este cociente ...

    Tracing the Perseus spiral arm in the anticenter direction 

    Monguió i Montells, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-22)

    The main purpose of this thesis is to map the radial variation of the stellar density for the young stellar population in the Galactic anticenter direction in order to understand the structure and location of the Perseus ...

    Wind Field Retrieval from Satellite Radar Systems 

    Portabella Arnús, Marcos (Fecha de defensa: 2002-11-18)

    Wind observations are essential for determining the atmospheric flow. In particular, sea-surface wind observations are very useful for many meteorological and oceanographic applications. In this respect, most of the satellite ...