Modelo experimental para la detección, adquisición de competencias y definición de perfiles profesionales en el sector multimedia de las empresas TIC


Olmedo Torre, Noelia


Alpiste, Francesc

Date of defense




Legal Deposit



Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Expressió Gràfica a l'Enginyeria


The contribution of this investigation will be basically towards the display and definition of the profiles and their professional abilities within the multimedia sector of the TIC companies. It also provides the detection, promotion and orientation of the needs for sufficient training. <br/>This investigation is concerned with the detection of training requirements needed by a professional in the multimedia industry of the TIC sector by means of defining his or her professional abilities. Any detected deficiencies will be the basis for training course recommendations for a particular professional profile. They will have the support from the training programmes of the LAM (Laboratory of Multimedia Applications) based on a training model that we call "hybrid". This is used for the production and integration of training matters and for virtual places of learning.<br/>Abilities are detected by means of deliberately sampled questionnaires. Weaknesses are detected by evaluating knowledge gained.<br/>The method has been applied to other profiles and in other professional sectors.


empresas; proyectos; detección; TIC; perfiles; multimedia


531/534 - Mechanics. Vibrations. Acoustics








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