Psychological Capital in Schools


Carmona Halty, Marcos


Salanova, Marisa

Llorens Gumbau, Susana

Date of defense



126 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia


El objetivo de la presente tesis fue examinar la aplicabilidad del constructo capital psicológico académico en un contexto escolar, aportando evidencia empírica sobre sus antecedentes y resultados académicos. Se realizaron cinco estudios empíricos que permiten concluir que el capital psicológico es un constructo aplicable al contexto escolar y a los objetivos de la educación positiva. Es decir, el capital psicológico resulta de utilidad para comprender los procesos que subyacen al funcionamiento óptimo de los adolescentes en contextos escolares.

The objective of this thesis was to examine the applicability of the academic psychological capital construct in a school context, providing empirical evidence on its antecedents and academic results. Five empirical studies were carried out which allow us to conclude that psychological capital is a construct applicable to the school context and to the objectives of positive education. In other words, psychological capital is useful for understanding the processes that underlie the optimal functioning of adolescents in school contexts. In addition, the results reported here are consistent with previous literature both in professional and pre-professional contexts and allow the usefulness o psychological capital to be extended into hitherto scarcely explored domains.


Psychological capital; Academic performance; High school students; Academic weel-being; Positive education; Personal resources


159.9 - Psychology; 37 – Education. Training. Leisure time

Knowledge Area



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2020_Tesis_Carmona Halty_Marcos.pdf




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