Multiphase gas transport in a shear zone


Jódar Bermúdez, Jorge


Carrera Ramírez, Jesús


Medina Sierra, Agustín

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Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada III

Doctorate programs



In the post-operational phase of a Low/Intermediate-Low radioactive waste repository, gas will be generated in the caverns due to anaerobic corrosion of metals, and also chemical and microbial degradation of organic substances. Previous investigations on gas migration have indicated that discrete water conducting features (e.g. shear zones) are mainly responsible for gas transport from the caverns through the geosphere. Two phase flow processes occur in these water conducting features; the continuity and spatial distribution of pore spaces, the pore size distribution and the interfacial forces of the three phases gas-water-rock have a significant influence on gas transport.<br/>The main difficulties to be resolved when simulating two-phase flow processes in fractured rock are:<br/><br/>- The description of the internal heterogeneity of the individual water conducting features. The influence of channelling along preferential flow paths is even more important than for single phase fluid flow, because gas transport takes place more or less exclusively along the most transmissive channels. <br/>- The determination of effective mass exchange coefficients of the relevant components of the system. Mass exchange may occur between three phases (gas-water-rock). It depends on the spatial distribution of water and gas along the water conducting features (i.e. specific surface of contact areas between phases), and on the solubility and diffusivity of the different components, but also on a couple of state variables of liquid phase (initial content of dissolve/free gas, initial pressure).<br/>The work presented in this thesis aims to improve the understanding of the physics of single and multiphase transport phenomena, to be able to develop a quantitative description of gas transport in shear zones to overcome in a satisfactory way the problems described above.


transporte multifase de trazadores gaseoso en frac; multiphase gas transport shear zones


51 - Mathematics; 53 - Physics; 55 - Geological sciences. Meteorology






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