Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat
Programa de Doctorat en Tecnologies Industrials i Materials
An increasing concentration of greenhouse gases makes necessary changing the energy model to one in which photovoltaics play an important role. This thesis aims to assist the development of a novel photovoltaic technology based on halide perovskite towards commercialisation, in terms of sustainability. Life Cycle Assessment is used as tool for this purpose. In Chapter 3, the environmental performance of the initial developments of perovskite solar cells through four different devices is assessed through life cycle assessment. Improved stability, reproducibility and efficiency is achieved by combining methylammonium with formamidinium and caesium. Four perovskites combining these cations are compared in Chapter 4 with a plain methylammonium lead iodide perovskite. Further progression of the technology entails improving perovskite photovoltaics manufacturing at pilot scale. A pilot-scale manufacturing process producing perovskite solar modules in a carbon stack configuration is evaluated in Chapter 5. Finally, the conclusions of the thesis are presented in Chapter 6.
Perovskite solar cells; Life Cycle Assessment; Carbon Stack Configuration; Triple cation perovskite; Spin-coating deposition; Pilot-scale manufacturing
62 - Engineering
Enginyeria, industria i construcció
Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional