Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat
Programa de Doctorat en Informàtica
This thesis takes inspiration from biology to replicate in robots the oculomotor strategies humans and other species use to acquire visual information. Firstly, it establishes the foundations of the work by reviewing current knowledge on the primate oculomotor system, the state of the art on adaptive learning in artificial neural networks, and the main types of robotic heads that would enable imitation of eye movements. Afterwards, the thesis goes in detail on selecting a specific head configuration, developing algorithms for the generation of accurate saccades, and developing internal models that are generalizable across different robotic instantiations. The acquired knowledge is then applied to the specific task of using saccadic gaze shifts to extract depth information from the scene.
Saccadic movements; Intercative perception; Bio-inspired robotics; Sensorimotor development; Cognitive vision; Monocular depth estimation
004 - Computer science
Enginyeria, industria i construcció
Doctorat internacional