Alternative refrigerant mixtures to Isobutane (R-600a): energy efficiency enhancement and flammability reduction


Calleja-Anta, Daniel ORCID


Llopis, Rodrigo ORCID

Sánchez García-Vacas, Daniel ORCID


Llopis, Rodrigo ORCID

Date of defense



241 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Tecnologies Industrials i Materials


This doctoral thesis explores alternative refrigerant mixtures to isobutane (R-600a) for vapor compression refrigeration systems, aiming to improve energy efficiency and reduce flammability. Isobutane, widely used in Europe for domestic and low-capacity commercial refrigeration due to its low global warming potential (GWP) and good energy properties, is limited by its high flammability, restricting the maximum refrigerant charge and cooling capacity. This research identifies potential refrigerant blends that balance energy efficiency, volumetric capacity, low GWP, and flammability. A comprehensive thermodynamic analysis of 120 ternary blends of 10 refrigerants reveals promising mixtures such as R-1270/R-600, R-152a/R-600, R-1234yf/R-600, R-1234ze(E)/R-600, and R-290/R-600, which show significant increases in COP compared to R-600a. A new method created to theoretically predict the flammability class of new blends highlights the challenges in significantly reducing flammability by mixing hydrocarbons with less flammable refrigerants. Experimental tests on domestic and commercial refrigeration units demonstrate energy consumption savings with blends like R-1234yf/R-600a (7.5/92.5)%, R-1234ze(E)/R-600 (10.5/89.5)%, and R-290/R-600 (11/89)% in domestic units, and R-1234ze(E)/R-600 (8/92)% and R-152a/R-600 (8/92)% in commercial units. Optimal compositions for R-152a/R-600 and R-290/R-600 mixtures, tested on a specially constructed bench, show COP increases of 7.3% and 10.3%, respectively. The thesis concludes that certain binary blends can improve energy efficiency and maintain system compatibility but they cannot simultaneously achieve reduced flammability, increased efficiency, and low GWP.


Refrigerant mixtures; Energy efficiency; Flammability reduction; Vapor compression systems; R-600a alternatives


62 - Engineering. Technology in general; 620 - Materials testing. Commercial materials. Power stations. Economics of energy

Knowledge Area



Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional


2024_Tesis_Calleja Anta_Daniel.pdf




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