Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 99

    A compressible Lagrangian framework for the simulation of underwater implosion problems 

    Kamram, Kazem (Data de defensa: 2013-06-21)

    The development of efficient algorithms to understand implosion dynamics presents a number of challenges. The foremost challenge is to efficiently represent the coupled compressible fluid dynamics of internal air and ...

    A constitutive model of human esophagus tissue with application for the treatment of stenosis 

    Sánchez Molina, David (Data de defensa: 2013-11-07)

    This dissertation is a research about the mechanical behavior of the human esophagus. This work is intended to be applied in the treatment of stenosis and other esophageal diseases that frequently require a procedure of ...

    A contribution to the finite element analysis of high-speed compressible flows and aerodynamics shape optimization 

    Kouhi Esfahani, Mohammad (Data de defensa: 2013-09-30)

    This work covers a contribution to two most interesting research elds in aerodynamics, the fi nite element analysis of high-speed compressible flows (Part I) and aerodynamic shape optimization (Part II). The fi rst part ...

    A coupled Eulerian-PFEM model for the simulation of overtopping in rockfill dams 

    Larese de Tetto, Antonia (Data de defensa: 2012-07-05)

    Rockfill dams are nowadays often preferred over concrete dams because of their economic advantages, their flexible design and thank to the great advance achieved in geosciences and geomechanics. Unfortunately their behavior ...

    A framework for developing finite element codes for multi-disciplinary applications. 

    Dadvand, Pooyan (Data de defensa: 2007-07-13)

    The world of computing simulation has experienced great progresses in recent years and requires more exigent multidisciplinary challenges to satisfy the new upcoming demands. Increasing the importance of solving ...

    A Geometrical Domain Decomposition Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics 

    Houzeaux, G. (Guillaume) (Data de defensa: 2002-05-10)

    El método de descomposición de dominios (DD) que se propone en esta tesis pretende resolver flujos incompresibles alrededor de objetos en movimiento relativo. El algoritmo de DD está basado en un acoplamiento del tipo ...

    A novel computational homogenization theory for multilayered plates: the multiscale 2D+ approach 

    Wierna, Pablo Nicolás (Data de defensa: 2024-10-17)

    (English) This doctoral thesis presents a novel multiscale theory for the analysis of multilayered plate structures, termed the "Multiscale 2D+ approach" or, simply, "2D+". Based on the formalism of computational ...

    A There Dimensional Setting for Strong Discontinuities Modelling in Failure Mechanics 

    Vieira Chaves, Eduardo Walter (Data de defensa: 2003-04-01)

    El estudio de la mecánica computacional de fallo ha ganado creciente popularidad en los últimos años. Modelizar el comportamiento poscrítico de estructuras puede alcanzar un grado elevado de complejidad, debido a la ...

    Adaptive mesh simulations of compressible flows using stabilized formulations 

    Bayona Roa, Camilo Andrés (Data de defensa: 2017-12-15)

    This thesis investigates numerical methods that approximate the solution of compressible flow equations. The first part of the thesis is committed to studying the Variational Multi-Scale (VMS) finite element approximation ...

    Advances in the development of the discrete element method for excavation processes 

    Labra, C. A. (Carlos Andrés) (Data de defensa: 2012-07-19)

    Modelling of granular materials, soils and rocks has been a challenging topic of investigation for decades. Classical continuum mechanics has been used to idealize soils and rocks, and numerical solution techniques such ...

    Analysis of circular bond-type anchorages for prestressing composite rods under quasi-static, fatigue and time-dependent loads 

    Puigvert Cobos, Francesc (Data de defensa: 2014-10-20)

    En estructures pretesades sotmeses a ambients corrosius, s'està estudiant la possibilitat de substituir els tendons d’acer per tendons que no pateixin els efectes de la corrosió. En aquest sentit, els materials compostos ...

    Analysis of unreinforced and TRM-strengthened brick masonry walls subjected to eccentric axial load 

    Bernat Masó, Ernest (Data de defensa: 2014-02-07)

    A significant number of buildings are supported by load-bearing masonry walls. The preservation of these worldwide used structures is a sustainable alternative. However, there is little research about the structural response ...

    Anàlisi del comportament a compressió de perfils prims oberts d'acer conformats en fred 

    Bonada Bo, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2014-01-23)

    Cold-formed thin-walled steel sections are frequently used in pallet rack structures. This type of cross-sections are normally used as a columns and contains perforations uniformly distributed enabling the connection between ...

    Análisis beneficio costo probabilista de medidas de mitigación del riesgo por sismo 

    Mora Cuevas, Miguel Genaro (Data de defensa: 2016-02-02)

    In the situation to make decisions about which risk mitigation measures -RMM- to implement and the performance level required, arises the need for a quantitative analysis of benefits that may be obtained as well as the ...

    Análisis comparativo de la rigidez al desplazamiento antero-posterior de la rodilla canina completa, rodilla con rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior y rodilla reparada con la técnica de avance de la tuberosidad tibial 

    Musté Rodríguez, Marta (Data de defensa: 2013-12-05)

    In canine traumatology, one of the most common knee pathologies is torn cruciate ligament (ACL), the diagnosis and treatment costs were 1.32 billion dollars in the U.S. during 2003. The short-term effects are instability ...

    Applications of turbulence modeling in civil engineering 

    Cotela Dalmau, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    This thesis explores the use of stabilized finite element formulations for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to simulate turbulent flow problems. Turbulence is a challenging problem due to its complex and dynamic ...

    Aproximación del transporte de contaminantes en aguas someras mediante elementos finitos de alto orden 

    Villota Cadena, Angel Patricio (Data de defensa: 2020-07-09)

    The objective of the doctoral thesis is to perform the numerical approximation of the transient convection-diffusion-reaction (CDR) vector equation in 2D with high order finite elements, quadratic, cubic and fourth order, ...

    BEST : Bézier-Enhanced Shell Triangle : a new rotation-free thin shell finite element 

    Ubach de Fuentes, Pere-Andreu (Data de defensa: 2020-11-18)

    A new thin shell finite element is presented. This new element doesn’ t have rotational degrees of freedom. Instead, in order to overcome the C1 continuity requirement across elements, the author resorts to enhance the ...

    Caracterització termomecànica d'actuadors amb memòria de forma NiTiCu 

    Fabregat Sanjuan, Albert (Data de defensa: 2015-07-15)

    In this thesis the thermomechanical characterization of the shape memory alloy NiTiCu working as an actuator with different heat treatment (HT) temperatures has been carried out. The results from the tests carried on ...

    Caracterización estadística de los modelos de confinamiento y determinación de coeficientes parciales de seguridad para el refuerzo de pilas de puentes de hormigón mediante materiales compuestos (CFRP) 

    Chambi Chuquichambi, José Luis (Data de defensa: 2012-11-30)

    El continuo deterioro y/o daños causados en las estructuras de hormigón durante su vida útil, son fenómenos inevitables que conlleva el paso del tiempo y viene a ser un problema importante que ha conducido al desarrollo ...