Fluid structure interaction by means of reduced order models 

    Tello Guerra, Alexis (Date of defense: 2020-07-10)

    The standard Fluid Structure Interaction coupling (velocity--pressure/displacement) is compared against two novel types of coupling, a Two Field coupling (velocity--pressure/displacement--pressure) and a Three Field coupling ...

    Numerical modelling of viscoelastic flows based on a log-conformation formulation 

    Moreno Martínez, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-09-22)

    Viscoelastic fluids are a type of non-Newtonian fluids which are formed by complex internal structures and high-molecular-weight, whose typical examples are the polymer solutions and molten polymers. Also, the viscoleastic ...

    A particle finite element method for fluid-related problems in civil engineering 

    Celigueta Jordana, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2019-11-14)

    The work presented in this Thesis is a set of developments focused on the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) and its applicability in several fields in Civil Engineering. The PFEM had already been proven to be a powerful ...