Mostrando ítems 61-80 de 99
Coll Sans, Abel (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-01)
Nowadays large part of the time needed to perform a numerical simulation is spent in preprocessing, especially in the geometry cleaning operations and mesh generation. Furthermore, these operations are not easy to automatize ...
Casariego Vales, Pedro (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-08)
Since a few decades ago, the cold-formed steel industry has developed a press-forming procedure to bend trapezoidal commercial steel sheeting into an arched shape. The main quality of these arches is to be self-supporting, ...
Moreno, E. (Elvira) (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-26)
The objective of this thesis is to develop and evaluate a methodology for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for Bingham Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic fluids using stabilized mixed velocity/pressure finite elements. ...
Ortega, E. (Enrique) (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-12)
This work deals with the development and application of the Finite Point Method (FPM) to compressible aerodynamics problems. The research focuses mainly on investigating the capabilities of the meshless technique to address ...
Rodríguez Prieto, Juan Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2014-03-06)
Metal cutting or machining is a process in which a thin layer or metal, the chip, is removed by a wedge-shaped tool from a large body. Cutting is a complex physical phenomena in which friction, adiabatic shear bands, ...
Bernat Masó, Ernest (Fecha de defensa: 2014-02-07)
A significant number of buildings are supported by load-bearing masonry walls. The preservation of these worldwide used structures is a sustainable alternative. However, there is little research about the structural response ...
Musté Rodríguez, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-05)
In canine traumatology, one of the most common knee pathologies is torn cruciate ligament (ACL), the diagnosis and treatment costs were 1.32 billion dollars in the U.S. during 2003. The short-term effects are instability ...
Pérez Guindal, Elsa (Fecha de defensa: 2013-12-05)
The knee joint is the largest and most complex both in humans and in canines. The internal forces that govern it, are not known exactly. Canine knee injuries are recurrent, especially in the anterior cruciate ligament, a ...
Bonada Bo, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-23)
Cold-formed thin-walled steel sections are frequently used in pallet rack structures. This type of cross-sections are normally used as a columns and contains perforations uniformly distributed enabling the connection between ...
Pérez Martínez, M. (Marco) (Fecha de defensa: 2012-02-06)
Composite laminates offer decisive advantages compared to more traditional materials, especially in structural applications where weight is a design-limiting factor. However, they have also shown a susceptibility to impact ...
Kouhi Esfahani, Mohammad (Fecha de defensa: 2013-09-30)
This work covers a contribution to two most interesting research elds in aerodynamics, the fi nite element analysis of high-speed compressible flows (Part I) and aerodynamic shape optimization (Part II). The fi rst part ...
Diego Íñiguez, Javier (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-03)
Cell migration is a fundamental element in a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Alteration of its regulatory mechanisms leads to loss of adhesion and increased motility, critical steps in the initial ...
Silva Araujo Monteiro, Virginia (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-10)
La propuesta de una vejiga artificial es un obstáculo a trasponer. El cáncer de vejiga está entre los casos más frecuentes de enfermedades oncológicas en Estados Unidos y Europa. Ese cáncer es considerado un problema médico ...
Kamram, Kazem (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-21)
The development of efficient algorithms to understand implosion dynamics presents a number of challenges. The foremost challenge is to efficiently represent the coupled compressible fluid dynamics of internal air and ...
Paredes López, Jairo-Andrés (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-11)
Esta tesis surge de la necesidad de establecer un método racional y práctico para identificar, a través del cambio de las frecuencias naturales , el daño en estructuras de hormigón armado. Por lo que se desarrolla un nuevo ...
Sánchez Molina, David (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-07)
This dissertation is a research about the mechanical behavior of the human esophagus. This work is intended to be applied in the treatment of stenosis and other esophageal diseases that frequently require a procedure of ...
Labra, C. A. (Carlos Andrés) (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-19)
Modelling of granular materials, soils and rocks has been a challenging topic of investigation for decades. Classical continuum mechanics has been used to idealize soils and rocks, and numerical solution techniques such ...
Mora, D. F. (Diego Fernando) (Fecha de defensa: 2013-04-26)
Cementitious materials such as mortar or concrete are brittle and have an inherent weakness in resisting tensile stresses. The addition of discontinuous fibers to such matrices leads to a dramatic improvement in their ...
Marulanda Fraume, Mabel Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2013-04-25)
El riesgo sísmico y en general los desastres futuros que puede sufrir una ciudad, una región o un país significan una obligación o pasivo contingente no explícito que puede afectar, desde el punto de vista macroeconómico, ...
Chambi Chuquichambi, José Luis (Fecha de defensa: 2012-11-30)
El continuo deterioro y/o daños causados en las estructuras de hormigón durante su vida útil, son fenómenos inevitables que conlleva el paso del tiempo y viene a ser un problema importante que ha conducido al desarrollo ...