Now showing items 21-23 of 23
Salvati, Agnese (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)
The era we are living calls us to face the environmental and urban issues. As the main source of greenhouse emissions and energy consumption, cities are as well the most vulnerable places as for the effects of climate ...
Solsona Pairó, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-04-29)
The aim of the thesis is to study !he environmental behavior of the gallery as a space in between the indoor of the building and outside and as a climate system. Specifically focuses on the galleries of the courtyards of ...
Lozano Reyes, Andrés (Date of defense: 2015-05-08)
The following research work has directed its efforts towards the study of the cognitive process in projecting architecture and urbanism. There is a naed to reorient this projection to a current pedagogical framework in ...