Now showing items 61-80 of 90

    Functionalization of titanium with integrin-selective ligands for orthopedic and dental applications 

    Fraioli, Roberta (Date of defense: 2016-11-14)

    Despite being biocompatible and with adequate mechanical properties for application as a bone replacement material, titanium lacks osteoinductive capacity, i.e. it supports new bone growth on its surface but does not foster ...

    Characterization of aluminum silicon/short carbon fiber composites fabricated by novel thixomixing method 

    Akbarzadeh, Ebrahim (Date of defense: 2016-10-20)

    The metal matrix composites (MMC) are widely used in different applications and offer high strength-to-weight ratio. In this thesis, it was developed a novel method to fabricate composite material in semi-solid state of ...

    Damage tolerance of cemented carbides under service-like conditions 

    Tarragó Cifre, Jose María (Date of defense: 2016-09-13)

    Hardmetal industry is continuously seeking for high-performance products at reduced costs. In addition, it is strongly struggled by the high and volatile prices of raw materials. At this juncture, producers and end-users ...

    Métodos alternativos de fixação para componentes de circuitos impressos 

    Marques, André Canal (Date of defense: 2016-02-23)

    The growing demand for innovation and the ever-shorter product lifespan result in a great amount and diversity of waste disposal at dumps and landfills. One of the fastest growing waste types nowadays is e-waste. Consequently, ...

    Propiedades mecánicas y microestructurales del hierro Armco sometido a severa deformación plàstica mediante presión en canal angular de sección constante (ECAP) 

    Muñoz Bolaños, Jairo Alberto (Date of defense: 2016-07-21)

    Ultrafine grain size Armco iron has been obtained through severe plastic deformation through equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) at room temperature, using a die with interna! angle et> = 90 º, and an angle 4J = 37 º ...

    Development of polycarbonate multifunctional foams with graphene nanoplatelets 

    Gedler Chacón, Gabriel Eduardo (Date of defense: 2016-07-12)

    The goal of this research was to determine the relations between processing, structure and properties of polycarbonate-graphene nanoplatelets (PC-GnP) foams. Using two different foaming processes (in one and two steps) ...

    Wear mechanisms in press hardening of boron steel : identification and laboratory study 

    Pujante Agudo, Jaume (Date of defense: 2015-12-21)

    Press hardening, also known as hot stamping, is a hot sheet metal forming technique which allows producing lightweight components with complex geometry and outstanding mechanical properties. For this reason, use of press ...

    Modified poly(lactic acid) sheets manufactured by one-step reactive extrusion-calendering : thermal, rheological, mechanical and fracture behaviours 

    Cailloux, Jonathan (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)

    The purpose of this PhD thesis was to investigate the sensitivity of the rheological, thermal, mechanical and fracture behaviours on the topological changes induced in two commercial PLA grades. PLA 2002D and PLA 4032D ...

    Aerogels based on biodegradable polymers and clay 

    Wang, Liang (Date of defense: 2015-12-16)

    Foam-like aerogels based on biodegradable polymers and sodium montmorillonite (Na+-MMT) clay were prepared through an environmentally friendly freeze-drying process. Both synthesized and bio-based polymers were utilized ...

    Effect of doping ions and organic molecules on the precipitation and biological interactions of nanostructured calcium phosphates 

    Zhao, Zhitong (Date of defense: 2015-11-20)

    From a chemical and structural point of view, hydroxyapatite (HA) is a strong candidate in biomedical applications owing to its similarity to the inorganic components of bones and teeth. HA nanoparticles (NPs) as colloidal ...

    A computational study of intervertebral disc degeneration in relation to changes in regional tissue composition and disc nutrition 

    Ruiz Wills, Carlos (Date of defense: 2015-07-17)

    Up to 85% of the world population suffers from low back pain, a clinical condition often related to the intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration (DD). Altered disc cell nutrition affects cell viability and can generate ...

    Surface stability and small-scale testing of zirconia 

    Camposilvan, Erik (Date of defense: 2015-07-08)

    Tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia stabilized with 3 mol% of yttria (3Y-TZP) is a biocompatible ceramic showing superior mechanical properties, which are partly the consequence of phase transformation: the tetragonal ...

    Influencia de la distribución bimodal de grano, contenido en oxígeno y vías de consolidación sobre la resistencia y la ductilidad para hierro UF obtenido por molienda mecánica 

    Casas Quesada, Casimir (Date of defense: 2015-01-21)

    In this thesis, the microstructure and mechanical properties of bulk samples manufactured with nanocrystalline iron powder are analyzed. This iron powder was obtained by a severe plastic deformation process carried in a ...

    Estudio de la biomecánica del procedimiento de vertebroplastia 

    Gómez González, Sergio (Date of defense: 2014-11-05)

    Vertebroplasty (VP) is a surgical procedure used to treat osteoporosis induced vertebral compresion fractures. This procedure involves the injection of bone cement into the porous vertebral body through a cannula. The ...

    Design of hybrid fibers for bone tissue engineering 

    Sachot, Nadège (Date of defense: 2014-07-03)

    Most of the conventional organic-inorganic composite materials developed for bone tissue engineering do not possess intimate interactions between their constituents. As a consequence, they generally degrade in a non-homogeneous ...

    Study of the properties of modified cyclic butylene terephthalate and its composites 

    Abt, Tobias (Date of defense: 2014-07-11)

    The thesis at hand deals with the modification of cyclic butylene terephthalate (CBT) with the aim to improve its final properties. CBT polymerizes in an entropically-driven ring-opening polymerization into polymerized CBT ...

    Effects of melt blended poss nanofillers on pom and ABS thermal stability 

    Vilà Ramírez, Narciso (Date of defense: 2014-02-28)

    This PhD thesis investigated the incorporation of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes (POSS) in thermoplastic base materials via melt-blending procedures. Particularly, a focus is taken on the enhancement of the thermal ...

    Development of 3D-printed biodegradable composite scaffolds for tissue engineering applications 

    Serra, Tiziano (Date of defense: 2014-04-29)

    The design of smart biodegradable scaffolds plays a crucial role in the regeneration of tissues and restoration of their functionality. Advances in material science and manufacturing and in the understanding on the effects ...

    Biofuncionalización de superficies de titanio con colágeno tipo I para mejorar el sellado biológico de implantes dentales 

    Marín Pareja, Nathalia (Date of defense: 2014-02-14)

    To obtain a regeneration and integration of gingival tissues onto the dental implant surface, is essential to achieve an appropriate cellular response. To promote an appropriate cellular response, materials surface has ...

    Functionalization of titanium surfaces with TGF-beta inhibitor peptides 

    Sevilla Sánchez, Pablo (Date of defense: 2013-07-16)

    Esta tesis queda enmarcada en el ámbito de los biomateriales metálicos, concretamente en superficies de titanio desarrolladas para la regeneración ósea. Las aplicaciones más habituales del titanio como biomaterial son los ...