Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Khaledian, Homeyra (Date of defense: 2024-09-27)
(English) The dissertation explores advanced methods for aircraft trajectory estimation and trajectory prediction (TP), which are critical for the next generation of Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems operating under the ...
Aragón Àngel, Angela (Date of defense: 2010-02-22)
La transformada de Abel es una técnica de inversión usada frecuentemente en radio ocultaciones (RO) que, en el contexto ionosférico, permite deducir densidades electrónicas a partir de datos de STEC (Slant Total Electron ...
Canalias Vila, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2007-07-24)
Aquesta tesi doctoral està emmarcada en el camp de l'astrodinàmica. Presenta solucions a problemes identificats en el disseny de missions que utilitzen òrbites entorn dels punts de libració, fent servir la teoria de sistemes ...
García Taberner, Laura (Date of defense: 2010-02-04)
This doctoral dissertation is structured in four chapters as follows. The first chapter contains a summary of formation flying projects that have been taken into consideration since few years ago. We specially focus on the ...