Active flow control methods for aerodynamic applications 

    Sarwar, Wasim (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    The cylinder in cross flow has been the subject of many numerical and experimental studies since it provides a deep insight of the physical phenomena occurring in a wide range of flow regimes. Despite a number of investigations ...

    Contributions to ionospheric modeling with GNSS in mapping function, tomography and polar electron 

    Lyu, Haixia (Date of defense: 2020-11-17)

    This dissertation focuses on determining the vertical electron content distribution in low and high vertical resolution from ground-based and LEO on board GNSS data and improving the knowledge of ionosphere climatology in ...

    Exact coherent structures in the transitional regime of shear and centrifugal flows 

    Ayats López, Roger (Date of defense: 2022-04-22)

    Turbulence is one of the major concerns for most technological problems involving fluid motion. Specially in aeronautics, a turbulent boundary layer results in structural stresses, vibrations and higher aircraft drag, ...

    High-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for viscous compressible flows 

    Javadzadeh Moghtader, Mostafa (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an essential tool for engineering design and analysis, especially in applications like aerospace, automotive and energy industries. Nowadays most commercial codes are based on Finite ...

    A high-performace computing tool for partitioned multi-physics applications 

    Zavala-Aké, J. Miguel (Date of defense: 2018-09-13)

    The simulation and modelling of complex applications involving the interaction of processes governed by different physical principles is addressed in this thesis. The interaction of a fluid with a deformable body, or the ...

    High-performance low-dissipation algorithms for simulation of turbulent compressible flows 

    Silva, Lucas Gasparino Ferreira da (Date of defense: 2024-06-28)

    (English) Motivated by recent advances in computational technology aiming at exascale capabilities, which implies a need for applications capable of taking advantage of these new supercomputing archit ectures, this work ...

    Impulse maneuver design for a solar sail spacecraft in the restricted three-body problem framework 

    Duan, Xun (Date of defense: 2023-05-10)

    (English) A solar sail is a method of spacecraft propulsion that uses only the solar radiation pressure (SRP). The main research object of this thesis is a solar sail spacecraft in the artificially created libration point ...