Now showing items 1-20 of 39
Ariza Solé, Eduard (Date of defense: 2007-07-11)
Esta tesis parte de la concepción de la playa como un sistema integral en el que se desarrollan procesos interrelacionados. El análisis de estos procesos y del marco físico y administrativo donde se producen, es el hilo ...
Cerro Gálvez, Elena (Date of defense: 2019-09-19)
Increasing amounts of organic synthetic chemicals are currently emitted to the environment by human activities. The more recalcitrant fraction of this pollutant mixture reaches marine ecosystems mainly through rivers, ...
Martínez Varela, Alícia (Date of defense: 2022-04-29)
Increasing quantities of organic pollutants (OP) are being released to the environment, posing a threat to Earth’s life system. In the marine environment, OP pollution caused by oil spill accidents receives a lot of academic ...
Galbán Malagón, Cristóbal (Date of defense: 2013-09-20)
Humanity is currently using more than 200000 synthetic organic compounds in many industrial, agricultural and domestic applications. Many of these chemicals reach the environment and have a harmful effect on ecosystems and ...
Sbragaglia, Valerio (Date of defense: 2015-07-20)
Nephrops norvegicus is an important fishery resource for Europe. Its rhythmic burrowing behavior is strictly related to catchability. Here I studied such behavior under laboratory conditions. I investigated the combined ...
Acevedo Dudley, Melissa Judith (Date of defense: 2016-10-24)
Over the last years, the sightings of the cubomedusa Carybdea marsupialis have increased in the Mediterranean Sea and this has been linked to an increase in its abundance. Consequently, this phD thesis addresses some ...
Pascal, Nicolas (Date of defense: 2013-11-11)
Economic approaches through ecosystem services (ES) valuation are increasingly recommended by conservation organisations to face main market externalities affecting biodiversity in general and coral reef ecosystems. In ...
Cornejo Castillo, Francisco Miquel (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)
Biological N2 fixation, the reduction of dinitrogen (N2) gas to biologically available nitrogen, is a fundamental process since it represents a source of new nitrogen for marine life in areas where this important element ...
Bahamon Rivera, Nixon (Date of defense: 2002-05-24)
The response of phytoplankton to various ecological forcings was examined in the upper waters of the NW Mediterranean (MED) and the subtropical North Atlantic (NA) from field observations, analysis of historical data sets ...
Grinyó Andreu, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-10-17)
Technological development and increased availability of remotely operated vehicles and manned submersibles have significantly increased accessibility to deep environments revealing the presence of rich and diverse macrobenthic ...
Marín Beltrán, Isabel (Date of defense: 2017-07-21)
The Mediterranean Sea is an oligotrophic basin, while the atmosphere above is affected by continuous emissions of anthropogenic aerosols and episodic Saharan dust events. These atmospheric inputs finally deposit (as wet ...
Lucea Sureda, Anna (Date of defense: 2004-01-23)
Amb aquest treball es preté comprovar la universalitat de la relació estequiomètrica de Redfield i recercar patrons consistents de les desviacions d'aquesta raó promig en ambients oligotrofics. Per tal de dur a terme aquest ...
Mosso Aranda, Octavio Cesar (Date of defense: 2004-07-07)
En la actualidad, las decisiones en la ingeniería de costas y la gestión costera se apoyan, cada vez más, en los modelos numéricos predictivos de los procesos costeros, que por otra parte, se basan en modelos conceptuales ...
Pascual Barrera, Alina E. (Date of defense: 2013-06-26)
Actualmente, la problemática que enfrentan las zonas costeras del Mediterráneo en general y la Comunidad Valenciana en particular, es la generación de grandes cantidades de agua residual urbana, principalmente durante la ...
Bernal Bajo, Ainhoa (Date of defense: 2014-11-25)
En esta tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la relación de las poblaciones de peces mesopelágicos (Myctophiformes y Stomiiformes) con el medio pelágico, analizando el posible efecto de factores físicos y biológicos en su ecología ...
Ruiz-Orejón, Luis F. (Date of defense: 2018-07-02)
Plastics are currently one of the most widely distributed litter in marine ecosystems worldwide. The floating fraction of these debris are estimated to represent about 1% of the plastics that enter into the marine environment ...
Cerralbo Peñarroya, Pablo (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)
Using both observations and modelling tools, it is investigated the main hydrodynamic response mechanisms of a microtidal and shallow bay in the Mediterranean Sea: Alfacs Bay. Main objectives are considered using differenttim ...
Morganti, Teresa Maria (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)
Sponges play important roles in the functioning of marine ecosystem in which they are abundant. These roles range from stabilizers of substrate, to acting as major link between benthic and pelagic realms by filtering large ...
Carrillo Cortés, José Alejandro (Date of defense: 2002-12-05)
A T E N C I Ó ! ! !<br/>Per consultar aquesta tesi cal navegar partint del fitxer 0INICI.pdf<br/><br/>RESUMEN<br/><br/>Las variables físicas que describen la mezcla, son perfectamente comparables para experimentos ...
Soriano Zaragoza, Sergi (Date of defense: 2004-12-06)
La interacció dels organismes bentònics amb el sediment es relaciona, bàsicament, amb els processos de bioturbació i els de rugositat de fons. Els principals factors implicats en la mobilització de sediment a la plataforma ...