Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Tilves Matheu, Uxue (Date of defense: 2019-05-16)
Jellyfish are important components of marine ecosystems, being a key link between lower and higher trophic levels. Jellyfish blooms occur sporadically and unpredictably in coastal areas and often have important socio-economic ...
Acevedo Dudley, Melissa Judith (Date of defense: 2016-10-24)
Over the last years, the sightings of the cubomedusa Carybdea marsupialis have increased in the Mediterranean Sea and this has been linked to an increase in its abundance. Consequently, this phD thesis addresses some ...
Rodero García, Carlos (Date of defense: 2023-05-29)
(English) Light attenuation is a critical factor in aquatic ecosystems for many physical and biological processes. Water transparency plays an essential role in understanding the variations of the ecological environment ...
Vicente de Bobes, Joana (Date of defense: 2013-11-14)
Coastal areas are very susceptible to contamination due to the interaction of marine and anthropogenic processes. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds very resistent to photolysis and chemical and ...
Silveira Simão, Daniela (Date of defense: 2013-11-22)
The present thesis provides new information about pelagic decapod crustaceans, specially so concerning the Mediterranean pasiphaeids. Remarkable differences in the pattern of distributions of the pasiphaeids were observed ...
Bahamon Rivera, Nixon (Date of defense: 2002-05-24)
The response of phytoplankton to various ecological forcings was examined in the upper waters of the NW Mediterranean (MED) and the subtropical North Atlantic (NA) from field observations, analysis of historical data sets ...
Steenbeek, Jeroen (Date of defense: 2024-10-22)
(English) The worlds’marine ecosystems are degrading under wide ranges of ever intensifying, diversifying and co-occurring human pressures. Ecosystem-based management (EBM) approaches have emerged as an alternative to ...
Bernal Bajo, Ainhoa (Date of defense: 2014-11-25)
En esta tesis doctoral se ha estudiado la relación de las poblaciones de peces mesopelágicos (Myctophiformes y Stomiiformes) con el medio pelágico, analizando el posible efecto de factores físicos y biológicos en su ecología ...
Morganti, Teresa Maria (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)
Sponges play important roles in the functioning of marine ecosystem in which they are abundant. These roles range from stabilizers of substrate, to acting as major link between benthic and pelagic realms by filtering large ...
Soriano Zaragoza, Sergi (Date of defense: 2004-12-06)
La interacció dels organismes bentònics amb el sediment es relaciona, bàsicament, amb els processos de bioturbació i els de rugositat de fons. Els principals factors implicats en la mobilització de sediment a la plataforma ...
Galí Tàpias, Martí (Date of defense: 2012-12-18)
The production and subsequent emission of volatile compounds is one of the numerous ways by which microbial plankton participate in the cycling of elements and influence the Earth's climate. Dimethylsulfide (DMS), produced ...
Latorre Pérez, Francisco (Date of defense: 2023-02-03)
(English) There is a myriad of microorganisms on Earth contributing to global biogeochemical cycles. In the surface ocean, the smallest microbes (picoplankton) are responsible for an important fraction of the total atmospheric ...
Obiol Plana, Aleix (Date of defense: 2023-01-27)
(English) Marine heterotrophic flagellates (HF) are very small (2-5 µm) unpigmented protists that are dominant bacterial grazers in the ocean, where they link the transfer of carbon from bacterial cells to higher trophic ...
Mamouridis, Valeria (Date of defense: 2015-05-15)
Different aspects of the bathyal ecosystem have been treated with the final aim to investigate trophic cascades driven by fishery (top-down control), a phenomenon that in bathyal systems has never been studied. This was ...