Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 129

    A contribution to chemical process operation support: new machine learning and surrogate models based approaches for process optimization, supervision and control 

    Shokry Abdelaleem Taha Zied, Ahmed (Data de defensa: 2021-05-05)

    In the chemical process industry, the decision-making hierarchy is inherently model-based. The scale and complexity of the considered models (e.g., enterprise, plant or unit model) depend on the decision-making level (e.g., ...

    A contribution to sustainable management of integrated material/energy networks in process industries 

    Morakabatchiankar, Shabnam (Data de defensa: 2021-07-22)

    Towards sustainability forces process industries to change their traditional patterns. Therefore, efficient retrofitting has been a significant challenge and raised several issues, motivating the process system engineering ...

    A global approach for supporting operators' decision-making dealing with plant abnormal events 

    Yélamos Ruiz, Ignacio (Data de defensa: 2008-05-30)

    El alto grado de automatización adquirido en las plantas químicas durante las últimas décadas hace que las tareas de supervisión sean ahora más complejas y delicadas. Esta supervisión requiere de sistemas y herramientas ...

    Advanced oxidation process models for optimisation and decision making support in water management 

    Audino, Francesca (Data de defensa: 2019-06-20)

    The objective of this thesis is contributing to the development of a systematic modelling approach for a more efficient and sustainable water management. The main aim is introducing Chemical and Process System Engineering ...

    Aerogels catalítics de Co-Si sobre monòlits ceràmics per a produir hidrogen mitjançant la reformació d'etanol 

    Domínguez Escalante, Montse (Data de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    Hydrogen is an energy vector; it is not a direct energy source. It is an energy carrier. Hydrogen can be used to feed fuel cells (an electrochemical device), thus increasing the efficency of energy transfer as the amount ...

    An investigation on automatic systems for fault diagnosis in chemical processes 

    Monroy Chora, Isaac (Data de defensa: 2012-02-03)

    Plant safety is the most important concern of chemical industries. Process faults can cause economic loses as well as human and environmental damages. Most of the operational faults are normally considered in the process ...

    Antioxidant properties and applications of pecan (Carya illinoinensis) 

    Villasante Dueñas, Juliana (Data de defensa: 2021-02-18)

    At the present time, the environmental challenges are the second concern on a global level, and the first one in some countries. This is one of the main reasons behind the recent boost of new methods of production within ...

    Antioxidant properties of extracts from selected plant materials (Caesalpinia spinosa, Perilla frutescens, Artemisia annua and Viola wittrockiana) in vitro and in model food systems 

    Skowyra, Monika (Data de defensa: 2014-11-07)

    Phenolic compounds, ubiquitous in plants, are of considerable interest and are increasingly becoming a subject of intensive research due to their bioactive properties such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-mutagenic, ...

    Aplicación de la fermentación láctica como estrategia de transformación y valoración de matrices vegetales 

    Benavides Martín, María Angélica (Data de defensa: 2019-12-03)

    In Colombia, strategies are being promoted to increase fruit and vegetable production, in order to take advantage of agricultural potential. However, there are also high food losses, low consumption and low transformation. ...

    Aprovechamiento de residuos agro-industriales : preparación de extractos, caracterización y uso en alimentos 

    Segovia Gómez, Francisco (Data de defensa: 2015-12-01)

    Vegetables and fruits are foods that have large number of compounds beneficial to health, as well as being essential in the diet. Its components include the phenolic substances. These compounds have a great antiradical ...

    Avaluació dels efluents d'una adoberia: Anàlisi microcoulombimètrica, cromatogràfica i ecotoxicològica 

    Gibert Rocavert, Carles (Data de defensa: 2004-09-29)

    L'adob de pells ovines és un procés llarg i complex, en el que s'utilitza l'aigua com a vehicle per treure les parts no desitjables de la pell i introduir-hi productes químics per transformar-la. El resultat és la generació ...

    Caracterización estructural de fibras lyocell y su comportamiento frente a procesos de degradación 

    Carrillo Navarrete, Fernando (Data de defensa: 2002-06-03)

    Durante estas últimas décadas ha habido un gran interés científico y tecnológico en el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas para la obtención e hilatura de fibras de celulosa regenerada. Las tecnologías aplicadas en este campo ...

    CFD studies of reactive flow with thermal and mass diffusional effects in a supercritical packed bed catalytic reactor 

    Mekala, Samuel J. (Data de defensa: 2017-03-20)

    Packed bed reactors are widely used in various chemical processes. Fundamental understanding of the heat and mass transfer phenomena in the packed beds is essential for better modelling of these processes. Theoretical ...

    Characteristics of bioactive molecules with antioxidant and biological activities of some medicinal and edible plants 

    Ouerfelli, Manel (Data de defensa: 2021-11-24)

    The present work has focused on the study of two edible plants, with attributable medicinal values, named Anthyllis vulneraria L. (A.vulneraria) and Azadirachta indica L. (A.indica) collected in Tunisia and India, ...

    Characterization and modelling of micro and nanofluidic systems 

    Licon Bernal, Edxon Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2015-03-13)

    Lab-on-a-chip arrangements are ever more frequently used for the miniaturization of chemical and biochemical analysis. In these arrangements, all the manipulations of analyte transport, separation, mixing with reactants ...

    Chromatographic separations for fission products and actinides determination by different analytical techniques: mass spectrometry and radiometry 

    Perna, Lorenzo (Data de defensa: 2003-06-26)

    Due to the nuclear testing, reentry and disintegration of nuclear powered satellites, nuclear reactor accidents, uranium nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear weapons production, actinides have been introduced into the environment. ...

    Complexation of Th(IV) and U(VI) by polyhydroxy and polyamino carboxylic acids 

    Colàs Anguita, Elisenda (Data de defensa: 2014-05-05)

    Els residus radioactius procedeixen de gairebé totes les activitats (indústria nuclear i no nuclear, investigació, activitats militars, aplicacions mèdiques) que impliquen la manipulació de materials radioactius. Existeix ...

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies in Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in Packed Bed Extraction and Reaction Equipment: Special Attention to Supercritical Fluids Technology 

    Guardo Zabaleta, Alfredo (Data de defensa: 2007-03-01)

    El entendimiento de los fenómenos de transferencia de calor y de masa en medios porosos implica el estudio de modelos de transporte de fluidos en la fracción vacía del medio; este hecho es de fundamental importancia en ...

    Conceptual design of alternative energy systems from biomass 

    Pérez Fortes, Maria del Mar (Data de defensa: 2011-06-27)

    El sector energético se está dirigiendo hacia un nuevo paradigma, favoreciendo la aparición de procesos de conversión más eficientes, el uso de las fuentes de energía renovables y la micro-generación. La bioenergía es una ...

    Conceptual modelling for integrated decision-making in process systems 

    Dombayci, Canan (Data de defensa: 2019-05-27)

    This Thesis addresses the systematic construction of Decision Making Models (DMMs) from the conceptualization stage to its application in specific situations, with special emphasis on !he treatment of scenarios where there ...