Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Gibert Rocavert, Carles (Date of defense: 2004-09-29)
L'adob de pells ovines és un procés llarg i complex, en el que s'utilitza l'aigua com a vehicle per treure les parts no desitjables de la pell i introduir-hi productes químics per transformar-la. El resultat és la generació ...
Perna, Lorenzo (Date of defense: 2003-06-26)
Due to the nuclear testing, reentry and disintegration of nuclear powered satellites, nuclear reactor accidents, uranium nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear weapons production, actinides have been introduced into the environment. ...
Rovira, Miquel (Rovira Boixaderas) (Date of defense: 1998-03-02)
Aquesta Tesi Doctoral es centra en la recuperació de metalls precisos presents en dissolucions d'àcid clorhñidric, per mitjà de tècnqiues tant emergents com ben establertes basades en els principis de la tecnologia d'extracció ...
Ruiz Marrondo, Santiago (Date of defense: 2001-10-02)
La Electroforesis Capilar en Fase Micelar (MECC) es una nueva técnica de separación desarrollada a partir de la Electroforesis Capilar en Zona (CZE) y basada en principios tanto cromatográficos como electroforéticos, capaz ...
Sabillón Rodríguez, Danelia (Date of defense: 2002-01-08)
La presencia de ozono a nivel de la troposfera constituye uno de los problemas de contaminación más significativos en las grandes ciudades en el mundo. La formación de ozono troposférico es provocada principalmente, por ...
Domenech Jardí, Ruth (Date of defense: 2011-11-18)
Increased wildfire activity over the last years has made fire managers to become more concerned about the effectiveness of current fuel treatment practices to reduce fire risk and severity. Fuel treatments lead to changes ...
Yamal Turbay, Evelyn (Date of defense: 2013-10-24)
The growth of population density in some areas of the planet and the increasing fast advances in technology and energy issues, have resulted in a remarkable increment in the necessity for goods and services, with a subsequent ...
Puig Durán, Martí (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)
It is broadly known that efficient ports are crucial for the economic development of their surrounding area. However, the loading and unloading of goods in the ports, the related ship traffic, and the hinterland distribution ...
You Chen, Xialei (Date of defense: 2018-11-29)
In the last years has been performed a huge number of research related to nutrients (mainly N and P) recovery from waste water in order to promote their reuse and also to avoid eutrophication. Recovering nutrient from waste ...
Arespacochaga Santiago, Nicolás de (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)
A more sustainable and secure energy supply is required for the forthcoming generations; where the actual dependence on the fossil fuel reserves should be replaced by self-sufficiency and use of renewable energy resources. ...
Hjaila, Kefah (Date of defense: 2016-09-06)
Current Supply chain (Se) decision support tools are devoted to the optimization of one objective function from a bias centralized perspective, without considering the coexistence with other participants and their uncertain ...
Sancho Lacalle, Irene (Date of defense: 2018-12-12)
Most of the urban wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), based on conventional activated sludge (CAS) systems, cannot be considered sustainable since the concept of resources (energy and nutrients) recovery is not taken into ...