Comparative study of in vitro cell based assays versus in vivo toxicity tests to monitor environmental hazard of pesticides 

    Alañón Ribas, Maria del Pilar (Date of defense: 2006-10-27)

    Carbofuran and chlorpyrifos are two well-known pesticides widely investigated, and its effects on different organisms have been previously reported in separate studies. For this reason were considered to be good model ...

    Incendios de hidrocarburos : estudio de la formación y evolución del boilover de capa fina 

    Ferrero, Fabio (Date of defense: 2006-06-21)

    Though the number of studies on pool fires is relevant, the characteristics of boilover are not yet totally understood. Boilover is one of the most dangerous phenomena that can occur when the fuel is burning above a water ...