Now showing items 141-160 of 208

    Tecnología de fabricación de células solares con materiales candidatos a presentar banda intermedia 

    Boronat Moreiro, Alfredo (Date of defense: 2013-10-11)

    This work has been developed in a line of research related whit the Intermediate Band (IB) concept, which explores overcoming the photovoltaic efficiency limits established for solar cells. The IB concept implies two issues: ...

    4H-SiC Integrated circuits for high temperature and harsh environment applications 

    Alexandru, Mihaela (Date of defense: 2013-09-10)

    Silicon Carbide (SiC) has received a special attention in the last decades thanks to its superior electrical, mechanical and chemical proprieties. SiC is mostly used for applications where Silicon is limited, becoming a ...

    Advanced AlGaN/GaN HEMT technology, design, fabrication and characterization 

    Fontserè Recuenco, Abel (Date of defense: 2013-07-23)

    Nowadays, the microelectronics technology is based on the mature and very well established silicon (Si) technology. However, Si exhibits some important limitations regarding its voltage blocking capability, operation ...

    Load forecasting on the user‐side by means of computational intelligence algorithms 

    Cárdenas Araujo, Juan José (Date of defense: 2013-07-11)

    Nowadays, it would be very difficult to deny the need to prioritize sustainable development through energy efficiency at all consumption levels. In this context, an energy management system (EMS) is a suitable option for ...

    Methods of covert communication of speech signals based on a bio-inspired principle 

    Ballesteros Larrota, Dora María (Date of defense: 2013-07-15)

    This work presents two speech hiding methods based on a bio-inspired concept known as the ability of adaptation of speech signals. A cryptographic model uses the adaptation to transform a secret message to a non-sensitive ...

    Controlador de histéresis de bajo coste para convertidos buck síncrono multifase 

    Borrell Sanz, Angel (Date of defense: 2012-07-12)

    The multiphase synchronous buck converter is universally used today for powering low voltage, high current and high slew-rate loads, such as CPUs and other high performance digital ICs. This converter demands control ...

    On the automatic detection of otolith features for fish species identification and their age estimation 

    Sória Pérez, José A. (José Antonio) (Date of defense: 2013-01-21)

    This thesis deals with the automatic detection of features in signals, either extracted from photographs or captured by means of electronic sensors, and its possible application in the detection of morphological structures ...

    Estudio e implementación de nuevas técnicas de modulación para la reducción de perturbaciones EMI en convertidores matriciales 

    Espina Masramon, Jordi (Date of defense: 2012-11-07)

    El procesamiento de la energía mediante convertidores electrónicos conmutados ha tomado una relevancia notable durante la última década, y presumiblemente será uno de los campos de la ingeniería con mayor proyección ...

    Contribución a técnicas de modelado y reducción de EMI en sistemas multiconvertidor 

    Mon González, Juan (Date of defense: 2012-11-05)

    This Thesis has been developed in the research group TIEG (Terrassa Industrial Electronics Group). It is focused on the reduction of conducted electromagnetic interferences (EMI) generated by switched power converters. ...

    Evaluación no destructiva de estructuras de obra civil mediante métodos electromagnéticos 

    Juan Garcia, Pablo (Date of defense: 2011-04-08)

    Los métodos de evaluación no destructiva en el campo de la ingeniería civil suponen una alternativa a los métodos de control tradicionales. Disponer de técnicas que permitan obtener información relevante acerca de las ...

    Design-oriented model for predicting and controlling fast-scale instabilities in switching converters : application to advanced power management integrated circuits 

    Rodríguez Vilamitjana, Enric (Date of defense: 2011-02-28)

    Trends in battery-operated portable applications require further miniaturization and eventually on-chip integration of power processing circuits along with their optimum power management control circuits, considered as key ...

    Electrical and magnetic faults diagnosis in permanent magnet synchronous motors 

    Urresty Betancourt, Julio César (Date of defense: 2012-09-21)

    Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are an alternative in critical applications where high-speed operation, compactness and high efficiency are required. In these applications it is highly desired to dispose of ...

    Monitoring switch-type sensors and powering autonomous sensors via inductive coupling: application to removable seats in vehicles 

    Albesa Querol, Joan (Date of defense: 2012-07-18)

    This thesis explores the feasibility of using inductive links for a vehicle application where wiring an electronic control unit (ECU) to the sensors or detectors become unfeasible or unpractical. The selected application ...

    Contributions to electromechanical systems diagnosis by means data fusion techniques 

    Delgado Prieto, Miguel (Date of defense: 2012-10-26)

    Electromechanical drives have traditionally found their field of application in the industrial sector. However, the use of such systems is spreading to other sectors within the field of transport, such as the automotive ...

    Layout regularity for design and manufacturability 

    Pons Solé, Marc (Date of defense: 2012-10-02)

    In nowadays nanometer technology nodes, the semiconductor industry has to deal with the new challenges associated to technology scaling. On one hand, process developers face increasing manufacturing cost and variability, ...

    Design of Frequency divider with voltage vontrolled oscillator for 60 GHz low power phase-locked loops in 65 nm RF CMOS 

    Brandano, Davide (Date of defense: 2012-03-09)

    Increasing memory capacity in mobile devices, is driving the need of high-data rates equipment. The 7 GHz band around 60 GHz provides the opportunity for multi-gigabit/sec wireless communication. It is a real opportunity ...

    Eliminación selectiva de armónicos en convertidores pwm continua-alterna mediante la transformada de walsh 

    Vicente Rodrigo, Jesús (Date of defense: 2012-03-09)

    La síntesis de tensión alterna a partir de continua mediante la generación de señales de modulación de anchura de pulsos (PWM) representa un método económico y eficaz de realización de dicha transformación, ya que se ...

    Prospects of voltage regulators for next generation computer microprocessors 

    López Julià, Toni (Date of defense: 2010-06-18)

    Synchronous buck converter based multiphase architectures are evaluated to determine whether or not the most widespread voltage regulator topology can meet the power delivery requirements of next generation computer m ...

    Energy harvesting from human passive power 

    Mateu Sáez, Maria Loreto (Date of defense: 2009-06-05)

    Las tendencias en la tecnología actual permiten la reducción tanto en tamaño como en potencia consumida de los sistemas digitales complejos. Esta disminución en el tamaño y el consumo da lugar al concepto de dispositivos ...

    Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous machines using Matrix Converters 

    Ortega Garcia, Carlos (Date of defense: 2008-10-23)

    La demanda d’aplicacions industrials avançades, fa que el control de màquines elèctriques de corrent altern (AC) sigui una disciplina contínuament creixent per satisfer l’alt nivell d’exigència. Tradicionalment, la màquina ...