Contribución al diseño eficiente de la configuración en planta de líneas de alta velocidad 

    Martín Cañizares, María del Pilar (Date of defense: 2015-11-16)

    Building a high-speed line requires significant investment and its design strongly influences the operation, with the aggravating circumstance that subsequent modifications not initially planned are not always feasible at ...

    Del mejoramiento a la prevención de asentamientos informales : esquemas endógenos y sostenibles en ciudades intermedias de Nicaragua 

    Pérez Casas, Marc (Date of defense: 2016-07-05)

    The informal settlement’s associated predicament must be addressed by concurrent remediation and prevention urban policies. Nevertheless, the growing social pressure to respond to the situation through decent and effective ...

    Diseño de un indicador de apoyo a la gestíón de firmes basado en el Ground Penetrating Radar: análisis de la forma del espectro de onda de GPR como indicador de estado de firmes asfálticos 

    Pedret Rodés, Josep (Date of defense: 2017-02-16)

    The Ground Penetrating Radar test applied to road engineering is overall used to determine the geometric characteristics of the pavement structure by analyzing the wave in the time domain. On many cases, it is often used ...

    Efecto de las condiciones de fabricación en las propiedades de las mezclas bituminosas recicladas 

    Pérez Madrigal, Domingo (Date of defense: 2018-06-20)

    The use of bituminous material milled from the pavement (known as Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, or RAP) in the manufacture of recycled bituminous mixtures is growing day by day due to the economic and environmental benefits ...

    Efecto del envejecimiento y de la acción del agua en la fisuración de las mezclas asfálticas 

    López Montero, Teresa (Date of defense: 2018-06-19)

    Asphalt mixtures cracking is one of the most common deterioration mechanisms in flexible pavements. This phenomenon is due to both the application of loads and the degradation of the material as a result of its exposure ...

    El arte de la ingeniería, la ingeniería de la arquitectura, la arquitectura del ingeniero : arte, concepto y lenguaje en el proyecto 

    Fernández González, Mario, 1970- (Date of defense: 2019-07-25)

    This PhD thesis aims to analyse and verify the tense and intense relation that is established between the architecture, civil engineering and art worlds. Such analysis is conducted not only in a formal manner, but also at ...

    El barrido de deformaciones como método para evaluar el comportamiento a fatiga de los materiales bituminosos 

    Botella Nieto, Ramón (Date of defense: 2013-05-23)

    El comportamiento a fatiga de las mezclas bituminosas es de vital importancia para el diseño de pavimentos. Como componente que cohesiona la mezcla, el ligante hidrocarbonado influye fuertemente en esta propiedad de la ...

    Infraestructures i gestió de la mobilitat : aspectes econòmics, territorials i rendibilitat social 

    Garola, Àlvar (Date of defense: 2019-01-22)

    This doctoral thesis analyzes the impact of the creation and implementation of transport infrastructures, specifically high-capacity road axes, on the territory and the welfare of the population with a marginal approach: ...

    Xarxa ferroviària i sistema de ciutats 

    Álvarez Palau, Eduard (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The relationship between the railway network and the city system has been the subject of numerous studies in recent decades. The railway has assumed great importance as a key element of transport infrastructure for the ...