Now showing items 1-20 of 98
Arcos Villamarín, Robert (Date of defense: 2007-07-13)
This thesis focuses on the development of an analytical model for the generation and propagation parts of a global model of ground induced vibrations to be used in preliminary assessment studies for the case of at-grade ...
Otero Yugat, Jesús (Date of defense: 2010-02-11)
La principal causa de las vibraciones generadas por la circulación de un tren reside en el contacto rueda-carril, concretamente en las fluctuaciones de la fuerza de contacto provocadas por las irregularidades del perfil ...
Travieso Rodríguez, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2010-09-21)
Mejorar el acabado superficial de una pieza plana o cilíndrica, se puede hacer de manera relativamente sencilla, utilizando para ello un proceso de rectificado. Sin embargo lograr un buen acabado superficial en una superficie ...
Esteban Dalmau, Bernat (Date of defense: 2011-07-06)
La dependència actual dels combustibles fòssils en la majoria de sectors industrials i domèstics no és sostenible ni a curt ni a llarg termini. Això està obligant a plantejar alternatives a la majoria de sectors industrials ...
Baquero Armans, Grau (Date of defense: 2011-07-06)
La introducció de la colza en la rotació de conreus i la producció i ús d’oli vegetal cru (OVC) com a biocarburant per autoconsum agrícola presenten alguns avantatges respecte al sistema tradicional de conreu de la ...
Campo Gatell, Vanessa del (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)
One of the challenges of the wind energy community today is to improve the existing background on the aerodynamic phenomena of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT), the prediction of the wind speed distribution on the ...
Martín Román, Sara-Regina (Date of defense: 2013-07-15)
The present thesis investigates a passive acoustic method to locate maneuvering aircraft. The method is based on the acoustical Doppler effect, as a particular effect of the signals received by a mesh of spatially distributed ...
Genovese, Pablo A. (Pablo Alberto) (Date of defense: 2013-09-03)
La motivació d'aquesta tesi és entendre com pot ser gestionada la integració de coneixement en projectes de subcontractació estratègica de disseny de producte. Una participació activa de l'empresa durant la realització de ...
Fernández Gámiz, Unai (Date of defense: 2013-11-26)
The main objective of this PhD thesis is the fluid dynamic characterization of the flow behind vortex generators (VG) as well as to investigate their influence in the separation of the boundary layer. CFD simulations have ...
Madadi, Hojjat (Date of defense: 2014-01-17)
Recently, the emergence of lab-on-a-chip devices has seen in a variety of applications especially in clinical analys is and diagnostics. ln particular the lack of suitable microdevices for separation of plasma from whole ...
Martínez González, Eva (Date of defense: 2014-01-30)
This thesis is focused on the calibration of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique to detect and identify damage mechanisms in tool steels. The AE measurement procedure has been calibrated for two mechanical tests: fracture ...
Clot Razquin, Arnau (Date of defense: 2014-02-20)
This thesis presents a three-dimensional dynamic model of a double-deck circular tunnel embedded in a full-space. The model uses the receptance method to obtain the response of the complete structure from the response of ...
Bottini, Henny (Date of defense: 2014-03-28)
Turbulence onset within an initially laminar flow is one of the most common phenomenon in Fluid Mechanics, yet is an open field of research. This is due to the many and diverse causes that can trigger turbulence, which ...
Català, Pau (Date of defense: 2014-05-06)
This thesis presents the dynamic study of conjugate cam mechanisms with rollers follower and translational movement, to design them with the aim of retard the surface fatigue failure in the rollers. The premature failure ...
Shiravand, Fatemeh (Date of defense: 2014-06-03)
Cured epoxy resins are highly cross-linked polymers which are increasingly important in high performance engineering field due to the stiffness, high strength, heat resistance and solvent resistance. However one major ...
Minguella i Canela, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2014-07-16)
The present work composes a contribution towards the Construction of World models for its implementation in 'Agile Manufacturing Architectures', aiming to take a step further the control programs for manufacturing systems, ...
García Vílchez, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2014-07-31)
Positive displacements pumps, as currently designed, produce significant flow pulsations that result in pressure pulsations. These pulsations contribute to the global noise generated by the installation. Moreover, they ...
Presas, Alex (Date of defense: 2014-11-27)
The analysis of the dynamic behaviour of rotating turbomachinery components is of relevant interest to avoid damages or fatigue problems in these parts. To determine the dynamic behaviour of a part of a structure it is ...
Mohammadi, Mahdi (Date of defense: 2015-04-10)
Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) integrated microfluidics has been a powerful tool for new developments in analytical chemistry. These microfluidic systems enable the miniaturization, integration and automation of complex biochemical ...
Gómez Gras, Giovanni (Date of defense: 2015-04-17)
The aim of this thesis is studying and characterizing a ball burnishing process assisted with vibrations. By introducing vibrations in the overall process, results are enhanced if compared to the ones derived from a ...