Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Herrero Sabat, Antonio (Date of defense: 2023-04-17)
(English) The falls of electrical generation plants on board or Power Blackouts, put in check the safety of the crew, the ships and the environment. Induction motors with a significant power in kW in relation to the kVA ...
Pacheco Blázquez, Rafael (Date of defense: 2022-09-06)
The high strength-weight ratio of composite materials have made them one of the best materials for the design of light-weight structures. However, its special complexity has made them not suitable for the design of structures ...
Colom Cobb, Jonathan (Date of defense: 2021-10-15)
This thesis covers the implementation of a new tool to solve fluid problems capable of solving free-surface and fluid-solid interfaces. This tool is based on a Semi-Lagrangian Particle Finite Element Method (SL-PFEM) ...
Jurado Granados, Joel (Date of defense: 2021-05-10)
The main goal of this thesis is the simulation of the performance of composite naval structures subjected to cyclic loads. The predicted behavior expected is the fatigue life of the composite structure, as well as the ...
Varela Geis, Ángel (Date of defense: 2018-09-07)
This PhD thesis analyzes and sets the bases the new contributions of maintenance engineering for motorized valves, as well as the most appropiate strategies and technologies to guarantee the operational safety margin. ...
Lueje Fuente, Enrique (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)
The objective of this study is focused on the analysis of incidents or near misses as an essential factor in the proactive management of maritime safety. The IMO established in the ISM Code, Section 9th, provisions for the ...
Lielbarde, Sandra (Date of defense: 2020-10-16)
Considering the importance of shipping in world trade, the proficient and competent seafarers employed in the maritime industry play a key role in ensuring the international transport of goods by sea. The safety of the ...
Uyà Juncadella, Àfrica (Date of defense: 2022-07-06)
This thesis presents the study and analysis of the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), from its origins to the present, with further evaluation of future trends. Examining the current trend in terms of technologies that are ...