Analysis of the maritime logistic system in Chile and the design of a parametric model to decision making 

    García-Bernal, Rodrigo (Date of defense: 2016-06-23)

    The internationalisation of investments and the globalisation of the markets have created a high level of competition among manufacturing and services companies which has transcended the competition among nations. In this ...

    Efectos a largo plazo de la descarga de las aguas residuales procedentes de los sistemas de limpieza de los gases de escape de ciclo abierto sobre el nivel de acidez de las aguas del Puerto de Barcelona : análisis de la situación actual, evolución y propuestas para combatir los efectos perjudiciales causados por la descarga de las aguas de lavado 

    Díaz Delgado, Nelson Gustavo (Date of defense: 2023-09-28)

    (English) This thesis is focused on analysing the impact produced by washwater discharges from exhaust gas cleaning systems fitted on ships on the pH level of Barcelona port waters. These systems are being used on board ...

    Estudio y análisis de los procedimientos operativos de B.R.M. (Bridge Resource Management), para la preparación del viaje: Passage Plan; y maniobra en puerto para grandes buques, con esloras superiores a 300 m. 

    Cabal Álvarez, Rafel (Date of defense: 2023-01-27)

    (English) he aim of this study is to analyze and propose the procedures to be developed to safely handle and manoeuvre the large container ships arriving at the port of Barcelona. The Thesis consists of five chapters; ...

    Semantic interoperability assessment : iShare framework 

    Marques, Fernando Sérgio Bryton Dias (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    Interagency information sharing is widely acknowledged for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of several domains with high societal impact such as security, cybersecurity and health. Therefore, it comes as no ...

    Ship propeller induced scour of non-cohesive sediment in low bed-clearance conditions 

    Llull Marroig, Antoni Ignaci (Date of defense: 2022-01-13)

    Ships maneuvering in low bed clearance conditions induce sediment scour due to the high speed jet generated by a rotating propeller. Sediment scour is known to cause instability to quay structures, damage to the bed ...