Design of a portable observatory control system 

    Suc, Vincent (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    In this thesis, we synthesize the development of a new concept of operation of small robotic telescopes operated over the Internet. Our design includes a set of improvements in control algorithmic and hardware of several ...

    Implementation of differential self-mixing interferometry systems for the detection of nanometric vibrations 

    Azcona Guerrero, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    In this Thesis, we explore Self-mixing interferometry (SMI ), a method capable of producing high resolution optical path related measurements in a simple, compact and cost-effective way. Even with a notably less complex ...

    Whispering gallery microresonator for second harmonic light generation 

    Domínguez Juárez, Jorge Luís (Date of defense: 2014-07-22)

    In recent years, it has been proposed that circular microresonators may become an important element in the core of many photonic devices. The high Q-factors seen in fused silica micro-spheres and micro-toroids for light ...