Application of experimental and numerical methodologies for the development of an absortion heat pump for solar-driven systems 

    Zheng, Jian (Date of defense: 2023-05-11)

    (English) The topics explained in this thesis are organized in different chapters. A summary of the contents is given below: Chapter 2. Details of working pairs and properties with numerical modelling and experimental ...

    Computational modeling of adsorption packed bed reactors and solar-driven adsorption cooling systems 

    Papakokkinos, Giorgos (Date of defense: 2021-05-03)

    Environmental concerns regarding climate change and ozone depletion urge for a paradigm shift in the cooling production. The cooling demand exhibits an alarmingly increasing trend, thus its satisfaction in a sustainable ...

    Development of experimental and numerical infrastructures for the study of compact heat exchangers and liquid overfeed refrigeration systems 

    Danov, Stoyan Viktorov (Date of defense: 2005-11-07)

    Se ha desarrollado y construido una infraestructura experimental orientada a la validación de modelos de intercambiadores compactos de aletas y tubos y sistemas de refrigeración con sobrealimentación de líquido. El objetivo ...

    Development of linear solvers for large-scale CFD simulations on hybrid supercomputers 

    Alsalti Baldellou, Àdel (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    (English) Divergence constraints are present in the governing equations of many physical phenomena, and they usually lead to a Poisson equation whose solution is one of the most challenging parts of scientific simulation ...

    DNS of multiphase flows: study of atomization and free-surface phenomena 

    Schillaci, Eugenio (Date of defense: 2017-12-11)

    The present thesis focuses on the numerical analysis of some diverse physical set-up that involve the interaction of two -or three immiscible and incompressible phases. The simulations are carried out by means of finite-volume ...

    Estudio del comportamiento térmico y dinámico de los amortiguadores para vehículos automóviles tipo turismo 

    Alonso Báez, Marcos (Date of defense: 2006-12-13)

    Se propone un modelo general de amortiguador hidráulico (monotubo y de doble tubo) para automóvil tipo turismo a partir de las propiedades físicas y geométricas de las partes que lo componen con el fin de predecir el ...

    Heat transfer and fluid-dynamics in double and single skin facades 

    Faggembauu, Débora (Date of defense: 2006-12-19)

    Una proporción muy importante del presupuesto energético total de los países europeos es destinado al consumo energético del sector de la edificación, tanto en el ámbito doméstico como terciario. Debido a que esta tendencia ...

    Manteniment integral de motors d'encesa per compressió de cogeneració mitjançant l'anàlisi del lubricant. Validació experimental de nous paràmetres de control 

    González Castro, Josep Ramon (Date of defense: 2001-07-25)

    En les últimes dècades s'han impulsat nombroses investigacions adreçades a optimitzar el disseny, la fabricació i l'explotació de centrals de cogeneració i, en particular, les que són accionades per motors alternatius ...

    Numerical modeling of complex heat transfer phenomena in cooling applications 

    Hou, Xiaofei (Date of defense: 2015-06-26)

    Multiphase and multicomponent flows are frequently encountered in the cooling applications due to combined heat transfer and phase change phenomena. Two-fluid and homogeneous mixture models are chosen to numerically study ...

    Numerical modelling of a parabolic trough solar collector 

    Hachicha, Ahmed Amine (Date of defense: 2013-09-30)

    Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies are gaining increasing interest in electricity generation due to the good potential for scaling up renewable energy at the utility level. Parabolic trough solar collector (PTC) ...

    Numerical simulation and experimental validation of vapor compression refrigerating systems: special emphasis on natural refrigerants 

    Ablanque Mejía, Nicolás (Date of defense: 2010-07-21)

    The aim of this work is to study the thermal and fluid-dynamic behavior of vapor compression refrigerating systems and their constitutive elements (heat exchangers, expansion devices, compressors and connecting tubes) ...

    Numerical simulation of frost growth and densification using deformable and static grids 

    Bartrons Casademont, Eduard (Date of defense: 2018-10-05)

    The present thesis aims at developing a basis for the numerical simulation of the growth and densification of macroscopic frost sheets. Notwithstanding the fact that icing has still a long way to fully understand its ...

    Numerical simulation of sensible and latent thermal energy storage systems 

    Torras Ortiz, Santiago (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la resolución numérica de problemas de transferencia de calor y dinámica de fluidos y su aplicación para el estudio del comportamiento transitorio de sistemas térmicos de acumulación ...

    Numerical simulation of the thermal and fluid dynamics behaviour of liquid-vapour two-phase flow in evaporators and condensers 

    Morales Ruiz, Sergio (Date of defense: 2009-06-18)

    Un estudio numérico del comportamiento térmico y fluido-dinámico de flujos bifásicos, liquido-gas, en conductos es presentado. El análisis numérico es basado en dos diferentes modelos. El primer modelo es conocido como ...

    Parallel optimization algorithms for high performance computing : application to thermal systems 

    Aizpurua Udabe, Imanol (Date of defense: 2017-03-31)

    The need of optimization is present in every field of engineering. Moreover, applications requiring a multidisciplinary approach in order to make a step forward are increasing. This leads to the need of solving complex ...

    Performance indicators for the dynamics modeling and control of PEMFC systems 

    Husar, Attila Peter (Date of defense: 2012-03-07)

    Society is gradually becoming aware that the current energy industry, based on the use of fossil fuels, is inefficient, highly polluting and has a finite supply. Within the scientific community, there are indications ...

    Simulación numérica y validación experimental de evaporadores, condensadores y tubos capilares. Integración en sistemas de refrigeración por compresión 

    García Valladares, Octavio (Date of defense: 2000-07-18)

    La presente Tesis centra la atención en la simulación numérica y validación experimental del comportamiento térmico y fluido-dinámico de flujos bifásicos (líquido-vapor), así como su aplicación en sistemas y equipos térmicos, ...

    Suitability of different RANS models in the description of turbulent forced convection flows: application to air curtains 

    Jaramillo Ibarra, Julián Ernesto (Date of defense: 2008-10-17)

    The main motivation of this thesis is the analysis of turbulent flows. Turbulence plays an important role in engineering applications due to the fact that most flows in industrial equipment and surroundings are in turbulent ...