Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 114

    Ab initio molecular dynamics study of thiolate-protected gold clusters and their interaction with biomolecules 

    Rojas-Cervellera, Víctor (Data de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    Thiolate monolayer-protected gold clusters (AuMPCs) are being used in various biological and biomedical applications due to their unique physical and chemical properties. The fact that gold-sulphur bonds are very stable ...

    Ab-initio quantum Monte Carlo study of ultracold atomic mixtures 

    Cikojević, Viktor (Data de defensa: 2021-04-20)

    The properties of mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates at T=0 have been investigated using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods and Density Functional Theory (DFT) with the aim of understanding physics beyond the mean-field ...

    Analysis and degradation mechanisms of enamels, grisailles and silver stains on Modernist stained glass. 

    Beltrán González, Martí (Data de defensa: 2021-01-22)

    Materials and methods used in the production of modernist (late 19th and early 20th century) stained glass from the city of Barcelona with special regards to the degradation mechanisms of enamels, grisailles and silver ...

    Análisis estadístico y comportamiento fractal de las réplicas sísmicas del Sur de California 

    Monterrubio Velasco, Marisol (Data de defensa: 2013-03-15)

    Mediante el análisis estadístico y utilizando diversas técnicas fractales en esta tesis se estudia el comportamiento temporal y espacial de tres series de réplicas sísmicas ocurridas en el Sur de California, que tuvieron ...

    Atomistic study of slip transfer in BCC metals 

    Kvashin, Nikolai (Data de defensa: 2022-11-16)

    (English) The mechanical properties of structural materials, which are naturally polycrystalline, is defined by a number of physical processes that take place at different time and space scales. On several of those processes, ...

    Barocaloric and multicaloric effects under hydrostatic pressure and electric field 

    Zeng, Ming (Data de defensa: 2024-12-04)

    (English) At present, HFC refrigerants with a global warming potential of thousands of times that of CO2, are widely used in air conditioners and, refrigerators. Due to lack of maintenance and poor management, and low or ...

    Barocaloric effects at first-order phase transitions 

    Aznar Luque, Araceli (Data de defensa: 2021-04-15)

    Current refrigeration devices, based on vapour-compression cycles, employ refrigerants such as HFCs, which exhibit a global warming potential a thousand times higher than the one produced by CO2,. Furthermore, the increasing ...

    Bubble and droplet flow phenomena at different gravity levels 

    Suñol Galofré, Francesc (Data de defensa: 2011-07-19)

    Two-phase flows are encountered in a wide range of applications both on-ground and in space. The dynamics of such flows in the absence of gravity is completely different from that in normal gravity due to the absence of ...

    Caracterització optoelectrònica de materials bidimensionals a altes freqüencies 

    Arcos Gutiérrez, David (Data de defensa: 2022-07-19)

    Two-dimensional materials have a lot of applications in the electronic and photonic device design field, especially when they need to be flexible and transparent. In particular, high frequency applications, above 100MHz, ...

    Causal inference and forescasting methods for climate data nalysis 

    Silini, Riccardo (Data de defensa: 2022-07-05)

    To advance time series forecasting we need to progress on multiple fronts. In this thesis, we develop algorithms to identify causal relations which allow to identify the driving processes containing useful information for ...

    Characterization of the structure, stability, mechanical and electrochemical properties of metallic glasses 

    Duarte Correa, María Jazmín (Data de defensa: 2013-05-31)

    Metallic glasses are often referred as glassy or amorphous alloys. They lack long-range order and microstructural defects that are characteristics in crystals, such as grain and phase boundaries and dislocations. These new ...

    Climate networks constructed by using information-theoretic measures and ordinal time-series analysis 

    Deza, Juan Ignacio (Data de defensa: 2015-02-26)

    This Thesis is devoted to the construction of global climate networks (CNs) built from time series -surface air temperature anomalies (SAT)- using nonlinear analysis. Several information theory measures have been used ...

    Collective motion and collective decision-making in animal groups : from scholling fish to swarming robots 

    Múgica Gallart, Julia (Data de defensa: 2023-06-07)

    (English) Collective behavior in animals is ubiquitous in nature. It emerges from the self-organization of interacting individuals within a group. What makes collective behavior so interesting is that the behavior of the ...

    Colour and technology in historic decorated glazes and glasses 

    Molina Giralt, Glòria (Data de defensa: 2014-05-09)

    Historical decorated glass and glazed ceramics are studied with the object to determine the technology of production and to relate it with the optical properties (colour, shine, opacity). Four different case of study are ...

    Compact binary millisecond pulsars: X-ray observations and numerical simulations 

    Vurgun, Eda (Data de defensa: 2024-11-07)

    (English) The thesis deals with millisecond pulsars (MSPs), a fascinating group of neutron stars distinguished by their exceptionally fast rotation periods (Ps < 30 milliseconds) and their strong magnetic fields (of the ...

    Computer modeling of the polarity and amoeboid motion of living cells 

    Moreno Ramos, Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2022-05-30)

    Cell motility is important in many biological processes. Some examples relay in epidermal cells moving towards lesions during wound healing, neutrophils cells migrating towards sites of bacterial infection as part of the ...

    Computer simulation of an excess proton in aqueous systems 

    Tahat, Amani Naser (Data de defensa: 2016-06-01)

    This thesis aims at studying the microscopic physical-chemical properties of an excess proton in aqueous systems. From bulk water environments to narrow hydrophobic channels constructed with a double-layered graphene slab, ...

    Convección natural en cavidades tridimensionales 

    Sánchez Casals, Odalys (Data de defensa: 2015-11-10)

    The modelling of convective transport processes involving heat and mass transfer in an incompressible Newtonian fluid in cylindrical domains is a relevant research subject both for theoretical research and for industry. ...

    Correlations in spin-orbit coupled ultracold quantum gases 

    Sánchez Baena, Juan (Data de defensa: 2020-12-14)

    The main goal of this thesis is the computation of ground state properties of quantum many-body systems under Spin Orbit coupling (SOC) interactions out of the ultradilute regime. We present two approaches to fulfill this ...

    Corrosion studies on Cu-based alloys 

    Xie, Chenyang (Data de defensa: 2021-01-08)

    Cu-based alloys are widely applied in corrosive environments. The improvement of the alloys' corrosion resistance will significantly reduce energy consumption and overexploitation of resources. To increase the resistance ...