Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Monterrubio Velasco, Marisol (Date of defense: 2013-03-15)
Mediante el análisis estadístico y utilizando diversas técnicas fractales en esta tesis se estudia el comportamiento temporal y espacial de tres series de réplicas sísmicas ocurridas en el Sur de California, que tuvieron ...
Silini, Riccardo (Date of defense: 2022-07-05)
To advance time series forecasting we need to progress on multiple fronts. In this thesis, we develop algorithms to identify causal relations which allow to identify the driving processes containing useful information for ...
Deza, Juan Ignacio (Date of defense: 2015-02-26)
This Thesis is devoted to the construction of global climate networks (CNs) built from time series -surface air temperature anomalies (SAT)- using nonlinear analysis. Several information theory measures have been used ...
de Swart, Rinse Leendert (Date of defense: 2022-07-19)
A variety of morphodynamic patterns are typically present in the nearshore zone of sandy beaches that develop due to the interactions between waves, currents and the morphology. The most common are one or several nearshore ...
Tirabassi, Giulio (Date of defense: 2015-06-05)
En una situación de grandes cambios climáticos, el conocimiento de el sistema Tierra ha devenido, en los últimos años, una de las tareas mas importantes para la comunidad científica. En los últimos diez años, el incremento ...
Mohammed, Ali Jasim (Date of defense: 2018-10-03)
The occurrence of heat waves and cold spells has received special attention in recent years due to their impact on human health, ecosystems and economy. In the context of climate change, there is evidence that extreme ...
Al-Nassar, Ali Raheem Tuaimah (Date of defense: 2018-09-25)
Precipitation is one of the most important, and also difficult to predict, elements of climate. This difficulty is associated with the transport of moisture through weather fronts that change their pathway, shape and ...
Zappalà, Dario (Date of defense: 2019-04-04)
The dynamics of the climate system plays a crucial role in the sustainability of life on Earth, and this motivates research to understand and characterise our climate and predict its evolution. In this thesis we focus on ...
Herrera, Yago (Date of defense: 2021-12-15)
The study of stellar winds (SW) in the context of X-ray bursts (XRB) performed in this thesis has two main motivating issues. The first is whether or not the heavy elements produced from nucleosynthesis in XRBs can escape ...
Mazón, Jordi (Date of defense: 2015-04-21)
The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the formation of nocturnal coastal fronts (hereafter CF) in the Mediterranean basin producing nocturnal offshore precipitation near the coastline. After sunset the cooled ...
Fernàndez Mora, Mª Àngels (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)
The nearshore zone is plenty of 3D morphodynamic patterns resulting from the interaction of waves, currents and sediments. The dynamics of formation and evolution of these patterns is at present a controversial point in ...
Navarro Bosque, Javier (Date of defense: 2022-03-17)
In order to avoid the catastrophes caused by intense or even moderately intense, rainfall episodes, it is essential to have as exhaustive a knowledge as possible of the behaviour of the same. We have a source of information ...
Majeed, Husam Tareq (Date of defense: 2018-10-05)
Aerobiology is the science that focuses on the study of the airborne living organisms (bacteria, fungal spores, pollen, small insects, etc.). The influence of meteorology and climate change on plant phenology include shifts ...