Now showing items 1-20 of 91
Moradi, Sasan (Date of defense: 2021-07-08)
Nowadays. both electronic and microelectronic circuits have great relevance and wide application in our daily lives and are increasingly being used with higher powers and frequencies. One of the main problems faced by their ...
Revilla López, Guillem (Date of defense: 2011-02-17)
L’enginyeria de sistemes bioinspirats ha crescut en importància i nombre d’aplicacions en el últims anys, atraient l’atenció dels científics sobre els seus usos potencials en camps com ara la bionanotecnologia, la ...
Llorens Domenjó, Elena (Date of defense: 2014-11-14)
Electrospinning is a manufacturing process that uses an electric field to produce fibers from a polymer solution. The accumulation of these fibers conform a three-dimensional fiber matrix or scaffold. Fibers can be prepared ...
Iarriccio Silva, Laura (Date of defense: 2008-07-29)
The extracellular loops of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors are predicted to play a role in the binding and regulation of allosteric modulators. Furthermore, the sequence of the five subtypes of muscarinic receptors shows ...
Córdova-Mateo, Esther (Date of defense: 2014-12-12)
The study at the nanoscopic level of the polymeric systems is a keystone for a deeper understanding of their internal structure and properties, not only at nanometric scale but also at macroscopic level. The disciplines ...
Dias, Bruno José da Cruz Teixeira (Date of defense: 2011-10-28)
Esta tesis describe diferentes aplicaciones en el ámbito de la nanobiotecnología de los polímeros conductores generados electroquímicamente. El objetivo principal de la Tesis, que además es el nexo común de los diferentes ...
Rodríguez Ropero, Francisco (Date of defense: 2009-12-14)
Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary branch of science and technology that involves a widerange of different fields such as chemistry, materials science, physics or chemical engineeringwhose goal is the production of new ...
Pérez Llanos, Germán Aníbal (Date of defense: 2022-02-18)
The plastics industry is in constant evolution looking to improve the properties of new materials and performance in different applications. Currently, the environmental impact associated with the use of plastics is one ...
Fontana Escartín, Adrián (Date of defense: 2024-10-21)
(English) This Ph.D. thesis delves into the realm of electrochemical biosensors, pivotal devices enabling the sensitive and timely detection of diverse biomolecules. Specifically, it explores the critical role of biosensors ...
Lavilla Aguilar, Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-11-29)
Polyesters are extremely versatile polymers which can be used in a wide variety of applications ranging from high performance materials to recyclable and degradable polymers. The preparation of polyesters from renewable ...
Enshaei, Hamidreza (Date of defense: 2022-04-24)
Polymers have been widely used in biomedical applications for drug delivery purposes in the last decades. However, ordinary long term drug delivery systems are sometimes associated with undesired side effects if the ...
Badia Martínez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2005-07-22)
En aquest treball es descriu la determinació estructural mitjançant cristal·lografia de raigs X de la proteïna p4 del bacteriòfag phi29 en la seva forma lliure i en complex amb DNA.<br/>La proteïna p4 és essencial en el ...
Marín Bernabé, Romina (Date of defense: 2009-05-07)
Esta tesis doctoral está dirigida al desarrollo de poliuretanos a partir de dioles derivados de carbohidratos. Los poliuretanos son polímeros muy versátiles que pueden ser usados en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones que ...
del Valle Mendoza, Luís Javier (Date of defense: 2000-01-14)
Durante la fertilización el núcleo del espermatozoide queda inmerso en el citoplasma del ovocito, y seguidamente, se transforma en el pronúcleo masculino. La formación del pronúcleo masculino se refiere al proceso de ...
Qizilbash, Masooma (Date of defense: 2024-11-11)
(English) Microencapsulation process of polymers and biopolymer is the most important technique in a polymer industry to make it unique and applicable in various fields of daily life. When it comes to the accuracy of the ...
Corcho Sánchez, Francisco José (Date of defense: 2004-01-26)
The present work focuses on the exploration of the conformational space of biological active peptides in different conditions with the aim of characterizing their conformational profile. Different techniques have been used ...
Turon Dols, Pau (Date of defense: 2019-11-08)
The origin of building blocks of life and how life thrived on Earth remains a topic of high interest for researchers of the Origin of Life. In this thesis, we deal with concepts, perspectives and implications of the system ...
Fabregat Jové, Georgina (Date of defense: 2014-06-06)
The principal focus of this Thesis is the development and design of promising hybrid nanocomposites based on conducting polymers with the main objective of achieving applications in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine. ...
Ruano Torres, Guillem (Date of defense: 2021-11-12)
Depletion of natural resources and non-renewable energy sources has recently accelerated due to the development of globalized economy and industrialization. During the last years, the scientific community has devoted much ...
Flores Ortega, Alejandra (Date of defense: 2009-03-26)
This thesis is composed of two parts:<br/><br/>We have used different computer simulation techniques to investigate the impact of different chemical modifications on the conformational preferences of proline and to examine ...