Revestimientos a base de sílica e ácido fosfônico para proteção anticorrosiva da liga de alumínio AA2024-T3 

    Dalmoro, Viviane (Date of defense: 2013-11-04)

    The aluminum alloy AA2024-T3, u sed extensively in the aerospace industry, dueto the heterogeneous microstructures intentionally designed to optím ize the m echanical properties, is very susceptible to localízed corros ...

    Self-assembly of phenylalanine derivatives 

    Mayans Tayadella, Enric (Date of defense: 2017-12-18)

    Since the pioneering work of Reches and Gazit in 2003, in which the formation of diphenylalanine (FF) nanotubes in aqueous solution was discovered, significant efforts have been made to develop a new generation of biomaterials ...