La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Tech (UPC) és una institució pública de recerca i d'educació superior en els àmbits de l'enginyeria, l'arquitectura i les ciències.
L’activitat dels seus campus i centres fan de la UPC un punt de referència i, en complicitat amb el teixit productiu, són agent i motor de canvi econòmic i social, en posar en valor la recerca bàsica i aplicada i transferir tecnologia i coneixement a la societat.
Els investigadors i investigadores de la UPC treballen des dels laboratoris i centres de recerca per augmentar la producció científica, valoritzar-la socialment a través de la transferència de resultats i continuar liderant projectes internacionals d’excel·lència, ja sigui a partir d’iniciatives pròpies o en col·laboració amb altres centres de recerca i universitats d’arreu del món.
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Si sou doctor o doctora per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents
Lai, Ngoc Bao (Date of defense: 2022-03-23)
Power system is undergoing an unpreceded paradigm shift: from centralized to distributed generation. As the renewable-based generations and battery storage systems are increasingly displacing conventional generations, it ...
Tarrasó Martínez, Andrés (Date of defense: 2022-02-22)
During the last century, the electrical energy infrastructures have been governed by synchronous generators, producing electrical energy to the vast majority of the population worldwide. However, power systems are no longer ...
García Quintanilla, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2022-01-17)
With the increasing development of renewable energy sources and their integration into the grid, international standards require next-generation plants to achieve the same levels of reliability and performance as the current ...
Roslan, Nurul Fazlin (Date of defense: 2021-12-16)
Distributed Generation (DG) provides an alternative to the Centralized Generation (CG) by means of generating electricity near to the end user of power with the employment of small-scale technologies to produce electricity, ...
Verdugo Retamal, Cristian Andrés (Date of defense: 2021-07-23)
Most of large scale photovoltaic systems are based on centralized configurations with voltage source converters of two or three output voltage levels connected to photovoltaic panels. With the development of multilevel ...
Elsaharty, Mohamed Atef Abbas (Date of defense: 2018-07-06)
This PhD dissertation proposes a new transformer, i.e., the Custom Power Active Transformer, characterized by a specific design of its magnetic circuit and auxiliary windings which allows shunt and series compensation to ...
Mir Cantarellas, Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-04-05)
Nowadays, the electrical energy sector is currently found in a dramatic changing paradigm, which moves towards an increasing trend in generating power at distribution levels, where electricity is typically consumed, by ...
Remón Rodríguez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)
The irruption of renewable energy sources with power electronics interfaces is transforming power systems. To minimize the possible adverse effects that these generating systems may have on the power grid, transmission ...
Adabi Firouzjaee, Mohammad Ebrahim (Date of defense: 2018-01-25)
The solid state transformer (SST) is seen as a proper replacement of the conventional iron-and-copper transformer in the future smart grid . The SST offers several benefits (e.g. enhanced power quality performance or ...
Zhang, Weiyi (Date of defense: 2017-06-01)
The installation of power generation systems based on renewable energy sources has been increasing exponentially over the last decades. However, in spite of the well-known merits of such energy sources, the expansion of ...
Guerra Sánchez, Luis Gerardo (Date of defense: 2016-04-05)
Currently it is widely accepted that the construction of large generation centers is no longer the best option to supply the increment of electric load. High costs related to the construction of new generation centers, ...
Rouzbehi, Kumars (Date of defense: 2016-03-29)
In recent years, there have been considerable efforts in the design and development of technologies and techniques for more efficient harvesting of renewable energy resources to meet the ever increasing electric power ...