Análisis dinámico de las tenso estructuras : propuesta de metodología de cálculo y software aplicado 

    Muñiz Martín, Ernesto (Date of defense: 2014-12-15)

    Traditionally, the dynamic analysis of Multi degree Systems are based on the study of modal Shapes or energy balances given an established oscillation figure. The expert user of those methods could determine how resonance ...

    Contribution to the development of new bio-based thermal insulation materials made from vegetal pith and natural binders : hygrothermal performance, fire reaction and mould growth resistance 

    Palumbo Fernández, Mariana (Date of defense: 2015-10-08)

    The building sector is moving towards new approaches to energy efficient design, which includes not only the improvement of the thermal performance of the building envelope but also the reduction of the embodied energy. ...

    El Pretensado en las estructuras de acero 

    Costales Calvo, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2012-09-19)

    En 1879 nace Eugène Freyssinet, padre reconocido del hormigón pretensado. Cuarenta años antes de su nacimiento, ingenieros americanos ya habían empezado a pretensar perfiles de hierro fundido, para evitar que cuando éstos ...

    La formación de los arquitectos restauradores : elaboración de un modelo didáctico 

    Genís Vinyals, Mariona (Date of defense: 2014-09-23)

    The theoretical, technical, and multidisciplinary specificity of the Architectural Restoration education often entails the knowledge fragmentation and makes the student lose the necessary global and complex view of the ...

    Numerical analysis of concrete-filled tubes with stiffening plates under large deformation axial loading 

    Albareda Valls, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-01-18)

    Concrete-filled tubes have been increasingly used these recent decades thanks to their improved structural behavior, especially under compression.Concrete filling in these sections improves ¡ts compressive strength thanks ...

    Optimización de mallas estructurales de acero envolventes de edificios en altura. Análisis de las direcciones principales identificadas por sus líneas isostáticas 

    Señís López, Roger (Date of defense: 2014-06-30)

    The Dissertation's main aim is to establish a procedure for the optimization of space grid as a framed tube (spatial mesh) structural typology envelope for tall buildings given the increasing interest in this recent ...

    Prefabricated foundations for housing applied to room modules 

    Pujadas Gispert, Ester (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    Room module buildings have been the subject of extensive literature, but few buildings have actually been built. However, the numbers are now high enough to carry out an on-site analysis, in orde rto confirm or refute the ...