Anàlisis tècniques i físiques del comportament de les cobertes "fresques" (cool roofs) : el cas de Catalunya 

    Muntané Raich, Oriol (Date of defense: 2016-12-22)

    This document is about cool roofs. This is a relatively new term and refers to those roofs that are able to keep its surface temperature similar to the air's temperature in spite of solar radiation. Cool roofs could be ...

    Análisis no lineal de placas de hormigón postesado 

    Solé Marzo, Josep Ramón (Date of defense: 2017-03-03)

    An unprecedented calculation model for slabs of post-tensioned concrete is proposed, based on the general theory of thin plate analysis, using the finite element method, taking into account the degradation of the most ...

    Análisis numérico de los efectos del pretesado sobre estructuras textiles laminares tensoestáticas. Evaluación del esfuerzo de pretesado en estructuras textiles laminares tensoestáticas parabólicas, para analizar sus efectos y determinar criterios para su predimensionamiento 

    Gimferrer Vilaplana, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-07-15)

    The main objective of this Thesis is to determinate the behaviour of the prestress effect of a fabric structure. On the understanding that the prestress of a fabric structure is a fundamental part of its stability and ...

    Avaluació de l’envolupant dels edificis del moviment modern a Barcelona. Subirana i Casa Bloc : recerques i influències dels paradigmes d’una nova materialitat energètica 

    Olona Casas, Joan (Date of defense: 2015-09-03)

    As has been shown since the beginning of the intervention, either restoration or rehabilitation of the modern movement in buildings with Architectural values with enough importance, raised all kinds of difficulties, often ...

    Comportament mecànic-estructural dels edificis històrics de murs d'obra de fàbrica de maó de l'Eixample de Barcelona 

    Cornadó, Còssima (Date of defense: 2015-09-21)

    After 150 years from the beginning of the construction of the Eixample of Barcelona. it has become an emblem of the city. In addition to the many urban planning virtues, l'Eixample has a value that is given by the formal ...

    El Guggenheim Museum de New York. Interpretación del papel de la estructura a través de la colaboración entre Frank Lloyd Wright y Jaroslav J. Polivka 

    Martin Saiz, Diego (Date of defense: 2012-01-30)

    Arquitectura y estructura han ido siempre íntimamente ligadas, pero con la aparición del acero y el hormigón surgieron nuevas necesidades formales o estéticas. El Estilo Internacional se inclinó por separar la retícula ...

    El soporte arquitectónico del comercio : análisis, reflexiones y propuestas. El caso del ensanche de Barcelona 

    Vásquez Paredes, Rodrigo Antonio (Date of defense: 2013-11-08)

    This research aims to study the trade architectural support to finally get to generate proposals directly on architectural support. There has been an architectural walking tour to introduce the issue of the study. The ...

    Els blocs plurifamiliars acollits a polítiques públiques d'habitatge a Sabadell : construcció amb sistemes de murs de càrrega : període 1940-1980 

    Marín Sellarés, Laia (Date of defense: 2017-09-06)

    The lack of housing existing in Spain during post-war period lead Spanish government to implement housing policies with financial support to those projects that meet certain conditions both constructive and cost. Among ...

    Fachadas ligeras : un proceso hacia el límite : diseño y construcción de fachadas ligeras : del concepto arquitectónico y el detalle técnico a la obra construida 

    Ferrés Padró, Xavier (Date of defense: 2017-07-11)

    For the last decades, and especially in last years, light facades have been the greatest exponent of technology and innovation in construction. While they have played the leading role in several conventional buildings, ...

    La Hoja interior de la fachada ventilada : análisis, taxonomía y prospectiva 

    Pardal March, Cristina (Date of defense: 2010-03-25)

    La fachada ventilada es aquel cerramiento caracterizado por resolver la estanquidad al agua por medio de una cámara drenante continua en todo su plano. Para la definición de dicha cámara se precisan dos hojas que la limiten: ...

    Los tratados de construcción históricos británicos siglos XVII y XVIII : análisis de sus contenidos sobre técnicas de construcción y su aplicación en rehabilitación 

    Puntos Pérez, Sonsoles (Date of defense: 2015-09-29)

    During years the hitoric British treatises about construclion have been considered almost exclusively from the point of view of the use of orders and the architectural planning of major houses, palaces and occassionally ...

    Michael y Margot Loewe en el nacimiento de las vanguardias. 

    Loewe Baranger, Sonia (Date of defense: 2013-06-17)

    A pesar de la amplia bibliografía sobre arquitectos del Movimiento Moderno y sobre los debates de las Vanguardias, aún permanecen obras sin estudiar de arquitectos y artistas, cuyos compromisos contribuyeron en el Nacimiento ...

    Proposta de desenvolupament de sistema innovador per a l'extradossat de paraments interiors en habitatges cara a la rehabilitació de les seves prestacions 

    Serra Fabregà, Raül (Date of defense: 2017-05-12)

    The present investigation is about the development of a construction system of vertical residential wall's lining, and it is focused on the rehabilitation of the characteristic features of elements and on the implementation ...

    Refurbishment scenarios for post-war industrialized housing in Beograd 

    Nikolic, Jelena (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    The post-war industrialized housing between 1955 and 1985 in Belgrade has been analyzed with its special focus on the transformation capacity on spatial, technical and environmental leveL for future refurbishment. The focal ...