Now showing items 61-80 of 87

    The transition between thin-to-thick-skinned styles of deformation in the Western Pyrenean Belt 

    Carola i Molas, Eloi (Date of defense: 2014-07-02)

    This PhD Thesis describes the kinematics of the Burgalesa Platform in the Basque-Cantabrian Pyrenees by the integration of i) surface geology; ii) seismic and well data; and iii) vertical axis rotation paleomagnetic studies. ...

    3D seismic imaging and geological modeling of the Hontomin CO2 storage site, Spain 

    Alcalde Martín, Juan (Date of defense: 2014-07-04)

    This thesis is organized as a compendium of three scientific articles, describing the geological characterization of the Hontomín site for Geological Storage of CO2 by means of 3D seismic data, acquired for this purpose, ...

    Geological and structural controls on La Garrotxa monogenetic Volcanic Field (NE Iberia) and structural controls on La Garrotxa monogenetic Volcanic Field (NE Iberia) 

    Bolós Granados, Xavier de (Date of defense: 2014-09-04)

    Monogenetic volcanism represents the most common volcano type on Earth. The distribution of it depends in each case on their regional and local tectonic controls. The great variety of eruptive styles, edifice morphologies, ...

    Magnetotelluric characterisation and monitoring of the Hontomín CO2 storage site, Spain 

    Ogaya Garcia, Xènia (Date of defense: 2014-09-30)

    The electromagnetic methods are especially interesting for the characterisation and monitoring of geological storage of CO2 sites. The electrical resistivity is a physical parameter that depends on the mineralogical ...

    Volcanic hazard assessment in monogenetic volcanic fields 

    Bartolini, Stefania (Date of defense: 2014-10-06)

    One of the most important tasks of modern volcanology, which represents a significant socio-economic implication, is to conduct hazard assessment in active volcanic systems. These volcanological studies are aimed at hazard ...

    Modelos geológicos en 3D de la isla de Tenerife 

    Iribarren Rodríguez, Ilazkiñe (Date of defense: 2014-10-27)

    Tenerife es una isla volcánica cuya superficie muestra evidencias de grandes deslizamientos y una depresión central (caldera de Las Cañadas) cuyo origen ha sido bastante controvertido. Las dos hipótesis principales se basan ...

    Seismic Characterization of the Central Iberian Zone from the Surface to the Upper Mantle 

    Akhtar Ehsan, Siddique (Date of defense: 2014-12-05)

    The multi-seismic experiments carried out under the ALCUDIA research initiative include a normal incidence and a wide-angle seismic reflection datasets. These constrain the internal architecture, the detailed crustal and ...

    Finite Element Models of Volcano Deformational Systems Having Structural Complexity 

    Ronchin, Erika (Date of defense: 2015-01-09)

    The main focus of this work is to build 3-D FEM models with structural complexities in order to simulate volcanic systems in a more realistic way. We use Rabaul as an example to show the application of the methods and ...

    Seismic structure of the crust beneath the Rif Cordillera 

    Gil de la Iglesia, Alba (Date of defense: 2015-01-16)

    In this thesis I present a geophysical study that aims to define and characterize the crustal structure in the northern part of Morocco, especially beneath the Rif Cordillera. The geophysical data used in this thesis was ...

    Tomografia elèctrica a escala de laboratori: investigació del sistema roca-salmorra-CO(2) 

    Bosch Ros, David (Date of defense: 2015-03-20)

    La captura i emmagatzematge geològic de CO2 es considera una opció viable per a la reducció de les emissions netes d’aquest gas a l’atmosfera terrestre. El procés consisteix a separar el CO2 de la resta de gasos generats ...

    Reconstrucción y restitución 3D del anticlinal de Puerta-Pareja y estudio de su evolución deformacional y cinemática en su contexto regional (cuenca de Loranca y Sierra de Altomira) 

    Valcárcel Rodríguez, Manoel María (Date of defense: 2015-05-12)

    Esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en caracterizar la estructura, formación y evolución deformacional y cinemática del anticlinal de Puerta-Pareja en su contexto regional (cinturones de pliegues y cabalgamientos de la cuenca ...

    The Central Asia collision zone: numerical modelling of the lithospheric structure and the present-day kinematics 

    Tunini, Lavinia (Date of defense: 2015-05-15)

    The Central Asia region is dominated by the Zagros orogen in the western sector and the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen in the eastern sector, which resulted from the subduction of the Tethys oceanic lithosphere towards the NNE ...

    GPS present-day kinematics of the eastern Betics, Spain 

    Echeverria Moreno, Ana (Date of defense: 2015-05-22)

    The eastern Betic Cordillera, south-eastern Spain, is one of the most seismically active area within the Iberian Peninsula. The Eastern Betic Shear Zone (EBSZ) in the Betic Cordillera absorbs part of the convergence between ...

    Geophysical and petrological characterization of the lithospheric mantle in Iberia and North Africa 

    Carballo, Alberto (Date of defense: 2015-06-12)

    In this thesis I present a geophysical and petrological study that aims to define the lithosphere structure and the chemical variations in the compositions in the lithosphere mantle in the Iberian plate, the western ...

    Anàlisi temps-freqüència de l’estat de polarització del senyal magnetotel·lúric = Polarisation analysis of the magnetotelluric signal in the time-frequency domain 

    Escalas Oliver, Magdalena (Date of defense: 2015-07-09)

    El mètode magnetotel·lúric (MT) és una tècnica geofísica que proporciona la distribució de la resistivitat elèctrica en el subsòl a partir de les fluctuacions temporals del senyal electromagnètic (EM) natural mesurades a ...

    Avenços en l’adquisició i interpretació de dades geoelèctriques 

    Bellmunt Traver, Fabián (Date of defense: 2015-10-29)

    La tomografia elèctrica de resistivitat és una tècnica geofísica no intrusiva àmpliament utilitzada en la caracterització de les propietats elèctriques del subsòl i, més recentment, en el seguiment de processos dinàmics, ...

    Estudi estructural i estratigràfic del sud d’Andorra 

    Margalef Porcar, Aina (Date of defense: 2015-11-10)

    Aquesta tesi es centra en l'estudi estratigràfic i estructural d'un sector de la zona axial del Pirineu, concretament al sud d'Andorra, en què hi afloren roques del Paleozoic que han estat afectades per les orogènesis ...

    Caracterización geológica y petrofísica mediante adquisición e interpretación de diagrafías en formaciones con potencial como sello y almacén de CO2 en cuencas de la Península Ibérica 

    López Barrera, Ana Isabel (Date of defense: 2015-11-12)

    En esta tesis doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir de la interpretación litológica y caracterización petrofísica de formaciones geológicas favorables para el sellado y almacén geológico de CO2 en diversas ...

    Processes, time scales and unrest of monogenetic volcanism 

    Albert Mínguez, Helena (Date of defense: 2015-11-12)

    Seismic, deformation, and gas activity (unrest) typically precedes volcanic eruptions. Successful volcanic event forecasting depends on the quality of the surveillance network for detecting any changes in volcano behaviour. ...

    Caracterización y predicción de desprendimientos de rocas mediante LiDAR Terrestre = Rockfall characterization and prediction by means of Terrestrial LiDAR 

    Royán Cordero, Manuel Jesús (Date of defense: 2015-11-20)

    En esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo el monitoreo de diferentes escarpes rocosos, que ha permitido la caracterización y la predicción de los desprendimientos de rocas. Esta caracterización y predicción han sido realizadas a ...