Now showing items 21-40 of 114

    Consumer preference heterogeneity towards olive oil virgin extra : hypothetical and non-hypothetical choice experiments 

    Yangui, Ahmed (Date of defense: 2014-05-29)

    The present dissertation aim a contributing to both agricultural economics and marketing literature by addressing specific issues related to discrete choice models and choice experiments. More precisely, this thesis focuses ...

    Reclaimed water use pilot scale practices in the Catalonian region. Viability quantitative PCR for microbial water quality monitoring 

    Fittipaldi Gustavino, Mariana (Date of defense: 2014-06-05)

    Reclaimed water use is an essential element in the integrated water resources managment. The wastewater treatment and reuse are activities that increase the aquatic capital without depleting the natural resource, whose ...

    Análisis de la gestión de los residuos municipales generados en un entorno metropolitano utilizando un enfoque multicriterio 

    Álvarez, Ma. Dolores (Date of defense: 2014-06-25)

    In Chapter 1 of the thesis the responsibilities of the main actors involved in the decision-making are identified, listed and described, stressing that there are many actors involved in the decision-making. Also, there is ...

    Desafíos en la implementación de proyectos de cooperación en servicios de agua dentro del proceso de urbanización sostenible. Cuatro casos de estudio en África: Maputo (Mozambique), Idjwi (DR Congo), Wukro (Etiopía) y Mecufi (Mozambique) 

    Jiménez Redal, Rubén (Date of defense: 2014-07-22)

    Many NGOs have tried to implement cooperation projects in water services in Africa. A percentage of them has been successful when it comes to sustainability but a significant proportion has failed . Discovering and analyzing ...

    Solar disinfection of secondary effluent and the subsequent bacterial regrowth : considerations, limitations and environmental perspectives 

    Giannakis, Stefanos (Date of defense: 2014-10-29)

    The present Thesis deals with the solar disinfection of synthetic secondary effluent under laboratory controlled conditions, focusing on the post-irradiation bacterial regrowth. The influence of various internal and external ...

    Climate change impacts on winter tourism in the Pyrenees and adaptation strategies 

    Pons Pons, Marc (Date of defense: 2014-11-07)

    Climate Change has become no longer a conjecture but an objective reality. The increase of the global average temperature, the seas level rise or the increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events are ...

    Using statistical copulas to measure dependence in the agrofood sector 

    Ahmed Nasreldin, Osama (Date of defense: 2015-01-26)

    This thesis has been pursued in three papers whose nexus is the use of statistical copulas for the purpose of assessing dependence in the field of agrofood economics. The first paper aims at determining how the introduction ...

    Modeling strategies for volcanic ash dispersal and management of impacts on civil aviation 

    Scaini, Chiara (Date of defense: 2015-03-18)

    During April-May 2010, the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland caused the larger breakdown of civil aviation after World War II. Although the eruption was weak in intensity, the dispersal of volcanic ash clouds ...

    Modelización 3D de la dispersión de residuos generados en piscifactorías marinas 

    Chaperón Cordero, Wilson (Date of defense: 2015-06-17)

    Intensive fish culture in floating cages is one of aquaculture activities that has grown fastest in recent years. However, this activity produces impacts ranging from alterations in the natural environment to social and ...

    Integration of advanced off-line and on-line systems for the monitoring of surface and drinking water quality 

    López Roldán, Ramón (Date of defense: 2015-07-10)

    An optimal strategy for monitoring water quality should be based on a combination of different technologies depending on the particularities of the system being observed. The final solution will be a combination of laboratory ...

    Complexitat tècnica i socioeconòmica del model energètic : una aproximació biomimètica a les xarxes intel·ligents de transmissió d'energia i informació "smartgrid" 

    Salas Prat, Pep (Date of defense: 2015-07-14)

    This thesis is a interdisciplinary research in the field of sustainable energy systems with the falsifiable hypothesis "a necessary transition from a society highly dependent on oil to one based on the use of local resources ...

    Eficiència energètica en edificis d'ús docent en la ciutat mediterrània. Cas a estudi, ciutat de Barcelona 

    Bosch González, Montse (Date of defense: 2015-07-16)

    Based on the experience gained during more than 10 years working on energy efficiency in public buildings of various uses, this thesis develops a methodology for intervention in school buildings. The aims were to define ...

    Multi-criteria and participatory approach to socio-economic, environmental and institutional indicators for sustainable water use and management at river basin level 

    Pires Carneiro, Alex (Date of defense: 2015-07-21)

    Water is a limited resource essential for life. Human activities have been exercising considerable pressures on it. The unsustainable use and the need to improve the management of water are among the largest global concerns ...

    Microbial fuel cell running on high strength animal wastewater : nitrogen removal strategies and microbial community characterization 

    Sotres Fernández, Ana (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bioelectrochemical system (BES) capable of converting the chemical energy contained in the chemical bonds of a substrate into electrical energy by means of electrochemical reactions catalyzed ...

    A meta-evaluation of sustainable land management Initiatives in Senegal 

    Lomeña-Gelis, Mònica (Date of defense: 2015-07-28)

    Evaluation is the systematic determination of the merit, worth and significance of a programme, initiative or intervention. As a young discipline, its empirical study is still limited, especially in Francophone Africa. ...

    WTEA : Millores de la metodologia per al desenvolupament d’auditories energètiques 

    García-Almiñana, Daniel (Date of defense: 2015-09-01)

    This PhD thesis shows the results of 10 years of energy audits for buildings as a proposal for a methodological improvement in the energy audit process itself. The main findings are referred to the three key points of any ...

    A resilience transition for sustainable urban development : a process design methodology to support participatory decision making 

    Tollin, Nicola (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    Actualmente, más del 50% de la población mundial vive en áreas urbanas (75% en EU), y las ciudades concentran entre un 60-80% del consumo energético global y el mismo porcentaje de las emisiones de GEI CO2. Así mismo, ...

    Anticooperación Norte Sur : cuando la coherencia es más importante que la ayuda. El caso de Ecuador y la "cooperación" española 

    Llistar, David (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    The thesis states that, as economies become more internationalized and as monetary and physical transnational flows increase, the negative externalities associated with these flows also rise. Externalities are distributed ...

    Proyectos territoriales antagónicos y anticooperación simbólica en las megainfraestructuras sudamericanas 

    Vargas, Mónica (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    The research "Antagonistic Territorial Projects and Symbolic Anticooperation in South American mega-infrastructures" aims to understand the confrontation of the various existing territorial projects in South America, as ...

    Modelización de problemas ambientales en entornos urbanos : deslizamientos de tierra en ciudades andinas 

    Londoño-Linares, Juan Pablo (Date of defense: 2016-02-03)

    The available literature on Landslide Risk Assessment is less than the available on Hazard zonation topics. A reason is the inherent difficult to develop quantitative landslide risk assessment; this type of analysis requires ...