Ara mostrant els elements 1-3 de 3

    Análisis de preferencias hacia las acciones de adaptación y mitigación al cambio climático: perspectiva del agricultor en el noroeste de México 

    Orduño Torres, Miguel Ángel (Data de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    Climate change is the most recurrent natural process on a global scale and one of the greatest challenges of our times; due to the close relationship between society, productive activities and economic development. One of ...

    Caracterización y modelación del sistema agroalimentario sostenible en la comunidad de Ziparadó, Resguardo indígena Embera Dóbida de Tanela, municipio de Unguía, departamento del Chocó, Colombia. 

    Botero Posada, Simón Andrés (Data de defensa: 2022-11-29)

    (English) Agro-food systems in indigenous communities, due to their characteristics of complexity and adaptability, must be studied from a multidimensional perspective. In this class of systems, economic, political, ...

    Integrated assessment and sustainability frameworks : diagnosis, design and application of an adaptive tool 

    Calleros Islas, Alejandra (Data de defensa: 2018-02-23)

    The present Ph.D. thesis aims to close a gap found in literature regarding the availability of a sustainability integrated assessment method to be carried at local level where generally, data and resources are restricted ...