Desarrollo de un kit de control y monitorización telemática de bajo coste para sistemas de energía solar térmica en multivivienda 

    González Valero, Aitor (Date of defense: 2018-05-21)

    Solar thermal technology for domestic water heating is already a mature technology competitive to other conventional energy based systems. This has motivated some countries, regions or local authorities worldwide (Spain, ...

    Evaluación de planes de electrificación rural y propuesta de planificación con criterios técnicos y sociales 

    Gómez Hernández, Dorian Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-11-18)

    Energy access allows to improve population life quality, specifically in terms of food, education and health. Currently, 10% of the world population does not have electricity. 85% of this population is mainly concentrated ...

    Lleis d'escala i complexitat estructural de les infraestructures tecnològiques. Els sistemes biològics com a analogia pel disseny i optimització del transport i distribució de l'energia elèctrica 

    Horta Bernús, Ricard (Date of defense: 2014-04-25)

    Within the paradigm of sustainability, this thesis aims to provide complementary views to the conventional engineering in order to put forward tools that facilitate, on the one hand the search of solutions to improve the ...

    Metodología de evaluación de la sostenibilidad de proyectos de electrificación rural 

    López González, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2018-12-20)

    Currently, around 1.2 billion people remain without access to electricity in rural areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America. To date, rural electrification programs have been carried out mainly using conventional technologies ...

    Prospects of distributed electricity generation and services based on small scale biomass systems in Ghana 

    Arranz Piera, Pol (Date of defense: 2018-12-03)

    Access to energy is crucial to human welfare; no residential, commercial or industrial activity can be conceived without energy supply. At the same time, current dependence on fossil fuels and their negative effects on ...

    Sustainability for energy-efficient lighting 

    Sánchez Balvás, Lizeth Artemisa (Date of defense: 2021-01-15)

    The social, environmental and economic side effects of the street lighting are the foremost concern for this thesis, since the expanding use of light at night, along with an inappropriate design, has led a large energy ...