Mostrando ítems 41-44 de 44

    Evolution of Sex-Ratio in Structured Population Dynamics 

    Ripoll i Missé, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2005-10-05)

    In this Thesis we address the study of some non-linear evolution equations (e.g. pde's) modelling the dynamics of sexually-reproducing structured populations, with special emphasis on biological evolution driven by natural ...

    Estabilitat efectiva i tors invariants de sistemes hamiltonians quasi-integrables 

    Gutiérrez i Serrés, Pere (Fecha de defensa: 1995-06-02)

    La memòria recull contribucions a diversos aspectes del problema de l'estabilitat en sistemes hamiltonians quasi-integrables. Aquests aspectes inclouen resultats d'estabilitat efectiva, que comporten el confinament de ...

    Intervals de marques 

    Jorba Jorba, Lambert (Fecha de defensa: 2003-05-26)

    El sistema de les marques s'enquadra dins del camp de l'anàlisi intervalar modal. <br/>En aquest context la tesi aporta un estudi de les operacions lineals, de la seva semàntica i sobretot de la seva operativitat quan les ...

    Contribution to the Study of Fourier Methods for Quasi-Periodical Functions and the Vicinity of the Collinear Libration Points 

    Mondelo González, José María (Fecha de defensa: 2001-07-13)

    This works has been organized in three parts. The first (Chapter 1 to 5) is dedicated to the development and study of a procedure for the accurate computation of frequencies, as well ans the related Fourier coefficients, ...