La "Restauración Virtual" según la interpretación arquitectónico-constructiva: metodología y aplicación al caso de la Villa de Livia.


Vico López, Maria Dolores

Date of defense


Legal Deposit

B. 34493-2012


348 p.


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Construccions Arquitectòniques I


A literature review reveals that the virtual reconstructions 01 cultural heritage made using computer graphics techniques , often lack scientific rigor and lose sight 01 existing knowledge. AlI too often, the criteria used lar recons truction are not accessible, there is no transparencyregarding the process , nor is there an analysis olthe validityolthe recons truction hypothesis, even when the modeling is carried out by scientists . Against this background, I lormulated the lollowing hypothesis : "One can develop a method by which scientific rigor is brought to architectural virtual reconstructions, relevant to Roman architecture and cons idering the cultural heritage in its historical landscape". The methodology I developed to test my hypothesis is organized in 3 steps : 1. Documentation and data collection. 2. Development 01 the virtual model on a urban scale. 3. Produ ction 01 a detailed photo-realistic models olthe monument. In the 3rd phase, we propose solutions to every detail that defines the architectural building in an iterative way. In this last phase are also embedded the techniques to studythe stabilityolthe construction elements such as walls (isolated or as carriers 01 arcs), arcs (symmetric and asymmetric load) and vaults. By analyzing the stabilityolthe wall, the method allow to check the stability olthe stirrups, while the study 01 arcs is used to determine the line 01 thrust at the bow to check their stability. Regarding data transparency, the reconstruction hypotheses are classified according to 31evels, depending on the reliability olthe underpinning data, namely: confirmed, probable and hypothetical. The reliabilityolthe reconstruction is indicated in each case. The models produced according to this method are accessible, can be searched lor background data and assumptions, display areas 01 uncertainty, and can be easily modified as new data is made available. To test the method, I applied it to produce the virtual reconstruction 01 the Villa 01 Livia, the first imperial residence projected as a country residence and designed with a strong symbolic valence: des pite its apparent simplicity it revealed the political and artistic conception olthe Emperor Augustus and summarized the essence 01 Roman architecture, combining the aomestic and lunctional architecture with representative lunctions . The confidence in the proposed elements olthe reconstruction is indicated bya legend that differentiates the three certainty levels lor both , the decorative elem ents and the structure. To evaluate the correctness olthe 3D model, I first analyzed the structural behavior 01 part 01 the Villa using the MIDAS/Gen software. A task that proved extremelycomplex and ineflicient . I thus generated atable that displays the parameters that have been used to generate the virtual model, and that allows to check elements such as constructive structure 01 decks, dimensions, slopes , water evacuation systems, presence 01 eaves, thickness olwalls , dimensions 01 pillars , type 01 Coatings , paving, windows and carpentry, among others . This exercise altowed to validate myinitial hypothesis. The method I developed is valid lor architectural heritage characterized by strong codes, such as the Roman architecture that was codified since Imperial times. However, it can also be used in other cases ofhistoric buildings, since the static and constructive checks and data transparency approach built in the method are relevant to all the historic architecture, until the emergence ofmodern materials.


72 - Architecture






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