Mostrando ítems 41808-41827 de 41897

    WNT5A, SFRP5 y CRTC3: nuevas adipocinas relacionadas con la obesidad en la edad pediátrica 

    Soriano Rodríguez, Pilar (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-13)

    WNT5A is a protein with proinflammatory properties recently related to insulin resistance. It is believed that this protein might be regulated by SFRP5, which sequesters WNT5A exerting its anti-inflammatory actions and ...

    Women and leadership: the case of women managers in Lebanon 

    Shouman, Lina (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-16)

    La present tesi doctoral pretén examinar alguns dels reptes que continuen dificultant l'avanç de les dones cap a rols de lideratge, per què algunes dones no accepten tenir una cap dona i si les subordinades dones sempre ...

    Women in executive office in advanced industrial democracies : presence, portfolios and post-ministerial occupation 

    Claveria i Alias, Sílvia (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    This thesis is focused on women in executive office. Whereas the literature on women's political representation in national parliaments is now well established, analyses of women in cabinets are rather limited. The ...

    Women in science and higher education: A bibliometric approach 

    Dehdarirad, Tahereh (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-08)

    The main objective of this thesis work is to assess and map international research concerning gender in science and higher education. To do this, two different studies were designed: first, to examine the development and ...

    Women in the labor markets: wages, labor supply, and fertility decisions 

    Kaya, Ezgi (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-27)

    El desenvolupament més important en el mercat de treball en tots els països industrialitzats ha estat l’increment de dones casades a la força laboral. La literatura econòmica associa l'increment de la participació a la ...

    Worban Resilience and (un)sustainability. Exploring the nexus between resilience and urban systems 

    Chelleri, Lorenzo (Fecha de defensa: 2012-09-07)

    Este trabajo representa una primera exloración de las interpretaciones generales y especificas que se le atributen a la relación ciudad-resiliencia. Como expresa el titulo, WORBAN es un nuevo catchword que quiere llamar ...

    Word embeddings with applications to web search and advertising 

    Edizel, Necati Bora (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-26)

    Word embeddings are a building block of many practical applications across NLP and related disciplines. In this thesis, we present theoretical analysis and algorithms to learn word embeddings. Moreover, we present applications ...

    Word spotting and recognition in images from heterogeneous sources 

    Ghosh, Suman Kumar (Fecha de defensa: 2018-05-30)

    El text es la manera més habitual d’intercanviar informació des de les edats. Amb el desenvolupament recent d’imatges de bases de dades de manuscrits manuscrits històrics, la demanda d’algorismes per fer accessibles ...

    Word-processing-based routing for Cayley graphs 

    Aguirre Guerrero, Daniela (Fecha de defensa: 2019-05-15)

    This Thesis focuses on the problem of generic routing in Cayley Graphs(CGs). These graphs are a geometric representation of algebraic groups and have been used as topologies of a wide variety of communication networks. ...

    Work related well-being. The case of knowledge workers in Poland 

    Wilczynska, Aleksandra (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-28)

    This thesis tackles the subject of well-being at work, investigating the relationship between employment flexibility, job insecurity, organizational justice and their association with job satisfaction and work-family ...

    Work trajectories after a sickness absence due to cancer in Catalonia (Spain) 

    Ayala García, Amaya (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-04)

    The project focuses on cancer and its effects on work trajectories from a life course perspective, both from a qualitative and quantitative approach. Quantitative analyses were based on a retrospective dynamic cohort of ...

    Work, knowledge and subjective wellbeing 

    Viñas Bardolet, Clara (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-14)

    Aquesta tesi examina com les característiques de la feina afecten la satisfacció dels individus. Més concretament, intenta donar resposta a la pregunta: Com afecta la feina i les característiques actuals de la feina ...

    Work-family issues in contemporary Europe 

    Straub, Caroline (Fecha de defensa: 2009-01-26)

    Temes que relacionen la família amb el treball estan captant cada vegada més l'atenció tant del sector privat com del públic. La Unió Europea promou assumptes com la baixes motivades pels fills, l'atenció als menors, ...

    Work-life balance in organizational subcultures: the case of Mutua 

    Stepanova, Olena (Fecha de defensa: 2012-12-03)

    La investigació ha posat de manifest que les iniciatives d'integració de treball i vida personal tenen efectes positius sobre la conciliació i sobre el benestar general dels empleats quan, a més del suport estructural, es ...

    Worker exposure to airborne particles in industrial settings: evaluation of exposure assessment and modelling tool 

    Ribalta Carrasco, Carla (Fecha de defensa: 2019-06-26)

    Exposure to particulate matter in work environments has been linked to ischemic heart, cardiovascular and respiratory-related disease risk increase due to inhalation. Increased adverse health effects have been linked to ...

    Working conditions and health: Evidence on inequalities in Spain 

    Solé Juvés, Meritxell (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-12)

    This thesis is concerned with the relationship between disability and working conditions. In the first two chapters we investigate how past and current working conditions, in conjunction with other socio-demographic ...

    Working memory influences on auditory novelty processing in the human brain 

    San Miguel Insua, Iria (Fecha de defensa: 2008-12-19)

    Novel events in the context generate an involuntary orienting response which may have a different impact on the performance of ongoing tasks depending on the specific situation in which humans are immersed. The five studies ...

    Working on strategies towards urban sustainability 

    Farreny Gaya, Ramon (Fecha de defensa: 2011-01-24)

    Vegeu rfgresum1de1.pdf

    Working within the Plurilingual Paradigm. Use of Translation to Enrich Additional Language Learning and Plurilingual Competence in Secondary Education in Catalonia 

    Wilson, Jaclyn (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-11)

    Aquesta tesi estudia els efectes de la implementació d’una proposta didàctica basada en la traducció a l’aula de llengua addicional en un institut concertat de Barcelona amb un grup d’alumnes de 3r. d’educació secundària ...

    Working-class Culture and Work as portrayed in Texts and Films of Alan Sillitoe´s "Saturday Night and Sunday Morning" and "The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner" 

    Keady, Stephen (Fecha de defensa: 2008-01-18)

    My aim is to recreate from the texts and films the world which is shown, and then examine it in order to demonstrate a number of points. I hope to show that there is such a phenomenon as an English working class, and that ...