Ara mostrant els elements 29831-29850 de 42788

    Multi-attribute auctions: application to workflow management systems 

    Pla Planas, Albert (Data de defensa: 2014-04-25)

    Resource and task allocation for workflows poses an allocation problem in which several attributes may be involved (economic cost, delivery time, CO2 emissions...), therefore, it must be treated from a multi-criteria ...

    Multi-beam satellite resource allocation optimization for beam hopping transmission 

    Lei, Jiang (Data de defensa: 2010-09-28)

    Multi-beam satellite systems have been studied a lot in the last ten years. They have many promising features like power gain, interference reduction, high flexibility to adapt the asymmetric traffic distribution, and ...

    Multi-Chord (P2P) Approach for Integrated Satellite IoT Networks 

    Ismail, Ahmed Ismail Abdelghafar (Data de defensa: 2022-12-16)

    Aquesta investigació se centra en les aplicacions de transmissió de dades en temps real i la necessitat urgent duna arquitectura nova i creativa d’Internet de les coses (IoT) que faci ús eficient de la computació a la ...

    Multi-colony approaches to study migratory and foraging strategies in pelagic seabirds 

    Morera Pujol, Virginia (Data de defensa: 2020-01-17)

    Movement is a widespread characteristic in the animal kingdom —occurring at many spatiotemporal scales— with consequences at an individual, population, species, and even ecosystem level. It is a very diverse character, ...

    Multi-constraint scheduling of MapReduce workloads 

    Polo, Jordà (Data de defensa: 2014-07-15)

    In recent years there has been an extraordinary growth of large-scale data processing and related technologies in both, industry and academic communities. This trend is mostly driven by the need to explore the increasingly ...

    Multi-core hybrid architectures applied to forest fire spread prediction 

    Artés Vivancos, Tomàs (Data de defensa: 2015-09-08)

    Els incendis forestals són un tipus de desastre natural que representa un gran repte per a la societat a causa dels seus elevats costos econòmics i humans. Amb l’objectiu d’evitar els costos derivats d’aquest desastre ...

    Multi-criteria and participatory approach to socio-economic, environmental and institutional indicators for sustainable water use and management at river basin level 

    Pires Carneiro, Alex (Data de defensa: 2015-07-21)

    Water is a limited resource essential for life. Human activities have been exercising considerable pressures on it. The unsustainable use and the need to improve the management of water are among the largest global concerns ...

    Multi-cue image integration for cardiac tissue characterization 

    Porras Pérez, Antonio Reyes (Data de defensa: 2015-06-08)

    Una caracterización precisa y completa del tejido cardíaco es esencial para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas cardíacos. Para caracterizar la función cardíaca desde diferentes perspectivas, en la práctica clínica, ...

    Multi-dimensional Multipath Mitigation for GNSS Signals 

    Chang, Ning (Data de defensa: 2024-04-11)

    Els sistemes globals de navegació per satèl·lit (GNSS) han experimentat un desenvolupament significatiu i una adopció generalitzada per satisfer les creixents demandes de posicionament, temps i navegació. No obstant això, ...

    Multi-dimensional simulations of mixing in classical novae 

    Casanova Bustamante, Jordi (Data de defensa: 2011-11-03)

    Classical nova explosions are stellar explosions that take place in close binary systems with an energy release only exceeded by gamma-ray bursts and supernova explosions. Matter from the white dwarf flows through the inner ...

    Multi-epitope peptide platforms for vaccine applications 

    Forner, Mar (Data de defensa: 2021-02-24)

    Vaccination constitutes one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of promoting global health. Nevertheless, few vaccines are fully effective, for manifold reasons ranging from intrinsic limitations to more ...

    Multi-faced study for the development of enhanced transfection systems 

    Balcells García, Laura (Data de defensa: 2020-10-02)

    L'actual transferència de coneixements des de l'escala de laboratori d'investigació als productes farmacèutics i les teràpies humanes és limitada, entre altres raons, a causa de la percepció de les cèl·lules com caixes ...

    Multi-feature machine learning analysis for an improved characterization of the cardiac mechanics 

    Sánchez Martínez, Sergio (Data de defensa: 2018-09-21)

    This thesis focuses on the development of machine learning tools to better characterize the cardiac anatomy and function in the context of heart failure, and in particular their extension to consider multiple parameters ...

    A multi-fold assessment framework for virtualized collaborative and social learning scenarios 

    Mora Núñez, Néstor (Data de defensa: 2016-10-28)

    Proposem un procés de virtualització de sessions col·laboratives en directe a partir de fòrums de discussió i xats web amb l'objectiu de produir recursos d'aprenentatge en línia interactius per a ser utilitzats pels alumnes ...

    Multi-functionalization of micro- and nanoparticles for cancer theranostics 

    Amirthalingam, Ezhil (Data de defensa: 2018-10-01)

    This thesis has its main focus on developing multi-functional nanomaterials, that we called nano- and microtools through two different approaches, top-down to provide support and bottom up to give functionality to prepare ...

    Multi-hazard assessment and risk management in volcanic islands 

    López Saavedra, Marta (Data de defensa: 2023-10-25)

    [eng] Our planet is impacted by diverse natural and human-induced events, including weather-related events (floods, droughts, forest fires, etc.) and geological events (landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.). ...

    Multi-isotopic and statistical approaches to trace nitrate pollution sources and assess natural attenuation in groundwater: examples from nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain) 

    Puig Caminal, Roger (Data de defensa: 2014-05-19)

    In the last decades, anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen to groundwater have dramatically increased, and they nowadays represent one of the most important water resources concerns as NO3-N has become the most ubiquitous ...

    Multi-junction thin film solar cells for an optimal light harvesting 

    Mantilla Pérez, Paola (Data de defensa: 2017-04-24)

    Thin film photovoltaics encompass a group of technologies able to harvest light within a few microns thickness. The reduced thickness allows a low cost of manufacture while making the films flexible and adaptable to ...

    Multi-layer model predictive control of complex water systems 

    Sun, Congcong (Data de defensa: 2015-11-17)

    This thesis is devoted to design a multi-layer MPC controller applied to the complex water network taking into account that the different layers with different time scales and control objectives have their own controller. ...

    Multi-layer survivability: routing schemes for GMPLS-based networks 

    Urra i Fàbregas, Anna (Data de defensa: 2006-12-18)

    En les xarxes IP/MPLS sobre WDM on es transporta gran quantitat d'informacio, la capacitat de garantir que el trafic arriba al node de desti ha esdevingut un problema important, ja que la fallada d'un element de la xarxa ...