Now showing items 14894-14913 of 41985

    Essays on atmospheric emissions and environmental policy 

    Rocchi, Paola (Date of defense: 2015-11-30)

    The problem of atmospheric pollution is one of the major concerns about damaging effects of human activities on the environment. Some of the gases released into the atmosphere known as greenhouse gases (GHG) have a global ...

    Essays on bank internal governance and credit risk 

    Akwaa Sekyi, Ellis Kofi (Date of defense: 2019-01-22)

    Aquesta tesis pretén explorar els determinants del incompliment de préstecs bancaris i la relació entre els controls interns, les característiques del consell d’administració i del risc de crèdit en la banca europea. Dades ...

    Essays on banking and financial instability 

    Wei, Jianxing (Date of defense: 2018-06-25)

    This thesis focuses on the issue of bank funding structure and its implications for financial instability. The first chapter investigates how the dynamic interaction between the regulator and banks can endogenously lead to ...

    Essays on banking, international finance and monetary policy 

    Gülsen, Eda (Date of defense: 2021-03-25)

    This thesis contributes to the empirical literature that analyses the link between banking, international finance and monetary policy. It studies several micro-level supervisory databases, each crucial for identification. ...

    Essays on Bargaining with Outside Options 

    Adamuz Peña, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2002-12-19)

    Los modelos de negociación con opciones exteriores normalmente suponen que los pagos de estas opciones son independientes de las acciones que los negociadores toman durante el proceso negociador. Sin embargo, en muchos ...

    Essays on bayesian and classical econometrics with small samples 

    Jarocinski, Marek (Date of defense: 2006-06-15)

    Esta tesis se ocupa de los problemas de la estimación econométrica con muestras pequeñas, en los contextos del los VARs monetarios y de la investigación empírica del crecimiento. Primero, demuestra cómo mejorar el análisis ...

    Essays on behavioral economics 

    Sánchez Moscona, Daniel (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    This thesis consists of three independent essays on behavioral economic theory. The rst article (Chapter 2) builds a framework of rational decision-making with conformity. The approach in this chapter is axiomatic. I ...

    Essays on behavioral economics 

    Puig Pomés, David (Date of defense: 2023-04-04)

    This thesis consists of three independent essays on decision theory, behavioral economics, and experimental economics. The first article (Chapter 2) studies variety-seeking behavior, an empirically well-documented driver ...

    Essays on behavioral health economics 

    Lara Córdova, Edgardo Amílcar (Date of defense: 2017-10-06)

    En este trabajo, se aplican herramientas de la Economía Conductual al sector de la salud. En primer lugar, el mercado de Planes Médicos genera una distancia temporal entre la firma del contrato y la prestación de los ...

    Essays on board of directors composition and firm outcomes 

    Manini, Raffaele (Date of defense: 2023-01-20)

    This thesis focuses in understanding the relationship between board of directors’ composition and firm outcomes. Chapter 1 investigates how US firms board of directors responded to a quasi-exogenous shift in the cyber risk ...

    Essays on Brazilian Political Economy 

    Cavalcanti, Francisco de Lima (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    The article 1 addresses the role of political parties and studies whether popularity shocks are crucial for electoral accountability beyond their effects on voter behavior. It specifically examines the impact of the ...

    Essays on capital market imperfections, intergenerational mobility and economic development 

    Hidalgo Cabrillana, Ana (Date of defense: 2003-09-29)

    Esta tesis analiza temas de distribución de la renta y desarrollo económico en economías caracterizadas por imperfecciones en el mercado de capitales.<br/>El primer capitulo estudia temas de distribución de la renta. La ...

    Essays on causal performance measurement models 

    Kasperskaya, Yulia (Date of defense: 2007-03-21)

    La tesis trata de los modelos de gestión modernos de naturaleza causal, entre los que destaca el Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI). En primer lugar, se presenta un análisis conceptual su supuesto central, las relaciones ...

    Essays on child health and family economics 

    Costa Ramón, Ana (Date of defense: 2020-06-29)

    This dissertation consists of three essays that investigate the effect of children’s health shocks on children’s and parent’s wellbeing. In the first chapter, we investigate the effect of C-sections on newborn health. ...

    Essays on cities, urban form and emissions 

    Siskova, Martina (Date of defense: 2019-12-18)

    En aquesta tesi estudiem com sorgeixen les emissions locals i mundials a les ciutats i quins elements són crítics per a això. Examen el paper de la forma urbana en aquestes emissions, a través de la infraestructura i l'ús ...

    Essays on Collective Decision-Making 

    Moskalenko, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-02-25)

    Aquesta tesi consta de quatre capítols independents relacionats amb la presa de decisions col·lectives. En primer lloc, s'analitza la dinàmica en un partit polític en presència del conflicte intern. Es mostra com la ...

    Essays on collusive agreements and monitoring 

    Schreibweis, Michael (Date of defense: 2014-05-05)

    The thesis deals with monitoring strategies designed to implement self-enforcing collusive agreements when individual choices remain hidden and firms use public information stemming from different sources. With imperfect ...

    Essays on competition, financial structure and productivity 

    Gomis Porquet, Roger Magí (Date of defense: 2018-02-16)

    In this thesis I analyze 3 current empirical questions of interest in macroeconomics. The first concerns the effect of competition on cash holdings. The large increase in cash held by US firms has increased interest in ...

    Essays on complementarities in R&D: implications for innovation management and for film performance 

    Lucena, Abel Ernesto (Date of defense: 2011-02-25)

    The adoption of open innovation models has been widely recognized as an effective strategy to be successful in knowledge creation. This holds true since a joint adoption of internal and external technology sources may ...

    Essays on corruption, seigniorage and economic policies. 

    Garcia Fortuny, Judit (Date of defense: 2015-11-12)

    Aquesta tesis estudia l’impacte de la corrupció i del senyoreatge en instruments monetaris i fiscals, com la taxa d’impostos i d’inflació, i en el conservadorisme del banc central. En el segon capítol, analitzo com la ...