Now showing items 21654-21673 of 43211

    Identification and characterization of Adenosine A(2A) heteromers in the CNS = Identificació i caracterització d’heteròmers d’Adenosina A2A al SNC 

    Brugarolas Campillos, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-12-20)

    The aims of this thesis are: Aim 1. The involvement of A(1)R-A(2A)R heteromer in glial cells and its study at a molecular level. Aim 2. To find evidence for allosteric interactions between partner receptors in the ...

    Identification and characterization of an oncogenic form of IKKα in colorectal cancer 

    Margalef González, Pol (Date of defense: 2014-02-17)

    L’IKKα nuclear regula la transcripció gènica i ha estat relacionada amb la progressió del càncer i la metàstasis, tot i que la connexió mecanística no s’entén massa bé. Hem observat que les ...

    Identification and characterization of candidate genes for peach fruit shape 

    Zhang, Yu (Date of defense: 2018-11-28)

    El fruit del préssec deriva de l'ovari madur, que es converteix en drupa. La seva forma pot variar entre rodona i plana, adquirint algunes formes intermèdies com la forma aplanada. En el préssec, el fruit pla (anomenat ...

    Identification and characterization of cystinuria modulating genes: L-Ergothioneine as a potential treatment for preventing cystine lithiasis 

    Mayayo Vallverdú, Clara (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    [eng] Cystinuria, with a worldwide prevalence estimated at 1:7000, is a rare inherited disease characterized by urine hyperexcretion of cystine and dibasic amino acids. Its clinical manifestation is cystine lithiasis in ...

    Identification and characterization of disease-related copy number variations (CNVs) by high-dense SNP oligonucleotide microarrays 

    Rivera Brugués, Núria (Date of defense: 2012-03-20)

    Genomic microarray analysis is rapidly replacing conventional chromosome analysis by molecular karyotyping due to the significant increase in the power to detect causative CNVs. Here, we extensively validated the HumanHap550 ...

    Identification and characterization of microRNAs in porcine circovirus type 2 and African swine fever virus infections in vivo 

    Núñez Hernández, Fernando (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)

    Cuatro estudios diferentes fueron llevados a cabo con el fin de analizar la expresión de microRNAs (miRNAs) porcinos y virales en dos infecciones in vivo diferentes con circovirus porcino tipo 2 (PCV2) y el virus de la ...

    Identification and characterization of new complex patterns of structural DNA and RNA alterations in cancer 

    Delgado Serrano, Luisa Fernanda (Date of defense: 2021-12-02)

    Human cancer arises as a result of genomic alterations that transform cells and make them to grow without control and to pathological levels. The characterization of such genomic changes has enabled understanding tumor ...

    Identification and characterization of non-coding genomic variations associated to cancer diseases 

    González Rosado, Santiago (Date of defense: 2016-04-28)

    The genetic and molecular bases of most of the human diseases have become one of the main goals of the human biology in the last decades. To be able to unveil the genetic variations and the affected cellular processes ...

    Identification and characterization of novel latency-reversing agents to clear HIV-1 viral reservoir 

    García Vidal, Edurne (Date of defense: 2019-10-15)

    La terapia antirretroviral ha cambiado la perspectiva sobre la infección por VIH-1 de enfermedad letal a crónica. Aun así, el reservorio latente del VIH-1 es una de las mayores barreras para lograr una cura. La estrategia ...

    Identification and characterization of the molecular pathways regulating the cell cycle-linked pluripotency exit 

    Alcaine Colet, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-11-04)

    The self-renewing nature of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is a consequence of their ability to proliferate while maintaining pluripotency, by means the capacity to differentiate into all adult cell types. Despite the remarkable ...

    Identification and characterization of the TRPVs protein-protein interactions, a comprehensive approach to elucidate TRPVs function and regulation 

    Doñate Macian, Pablo (Date of defense: 2016-07-13)

    Los canales TRPV son canales de cationes que participan en la homeostasis del calcio con propiedades de activación polimodales. Los TRPVs regulan los niveles de calcio intracelular y promueven ...

    Identification and control of diffusive systems applied to charge trapping and thermal space sensors 

    Atienza García, María Terersa (Date of defense: 2018-02-13)

    The work underlying this Thesis, has contributed to the main study and characterization of diffusive systems. The research work has been focused on the analysis of two kind of systems. On the one hand, the dynamics of ...

    Identification and evaluation of molecular biomarkers in urine for the detection of prostate cancer 

    Sequeiros Fontán, Tamara (Date of defense: 2014-11-27)

    El cáncer de próstata (CP) es una de las mayores causas de muerte entre los hombres de los países desarrollados. Sin embargo, los actuales métodos de diagnóstico presentan una elevada tasa de falsos positivos debido a su ...

    Identification and Fate of Known and Unknown Transformation Products of Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic System 

    Žonja, Božo (Date of defense: 2017-02-01)

    Pharmaceuticals which are used worldwide are designed to facilitate the life for the human society and have an important role in treatment and prevention of disease for both humans and animals. They are ubiquitous in the ...

    Identification and functional analysis of intestinal stem cell genes in homeostasis and cancer 

    Barriga de Vicente, Francisco Martín (Date of defense: 2013-11-28)

    The first chapter of this thesis describes the study of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and their relationship to colon cancer. We describe the transcriptional landscape of intestinal epithelial populations through the use ...

    Identification and functional analysis of molecular mechanisms involved in the latency of ER positive breast cancer 

    Henryka Gawrzak, Sylwia (Date of defense: 2016-11-23)

    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and remains the second leading cause of death among women in Europe and United States. In this malignancy, metastasis remains to be an incurable condition, and therefore ...

    Identification and functional analysis of new factors that mediate tramtrack's function during Drosophila tracheal system development / Identificación y análisis funcional de nuevos factores que median la función de tramtrack durante el desarrollo del sistema traqueal de Drosophila 

    Rotstein Bajo, Bárbara (Date of defense: 2013-03-22)

    A stereotyped tubular epithelial network forms many of our bodies’ organs and, defects in the formation of these tubules often leads to organ failure. My Thesis project aims to further understand the mechanisms underling ...

    Identification and functional characterization of genetic loci involved in osteoporosis and atypical femoral fracture 

    Roca Ayats, Neus (Date of defense: 2019-11-18)

    Osteoporosis is a complex disease, determined by genetic and environmental factors, characterized by a low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent decrease of bone strength and ...

    Identification and functional characterization of P1N-PISPO, a new gene product present in sweet potato potyviruses 

    Mingot Martí, Ares (Date of defense: 2016-05-31)

    Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) (Potyvirus genus, Potyviridae family) causes important yield losses in sweet potato crops, in particular in co-infections with the unrelated crinivirus Sweet potato chlorotic stunt ...

    Identification and partial characterization of acid phosphatases from Haemophilus parasuis 

    Manrique Ramírez, Paula Constanza (Date of defense: 2013-11-18)

    Haemophilus parasuis es una bacteria Gram negativa común en el tracto respiratorio superior de cerdos sanos y es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad de Glässer, que se caracteriza por poliserositis fibrinosa y poliartritis. ...