Mostrando ítems 31676-31695 de 42932

    On some spectral and combinatorial properties of distance-regular graphs and their generalizations 

    Diego, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-24)

    In this work we present the study we did in Graph Theory. In the firsts chapteres of the tesis we study the pieces of information that can be obtained from a graph: the spectrum of the adjacency matrix, the preintersection ...

    On symplectic linearization of singular Lagrangian foliations 

    Miranda Galcerán, Eva (Fecha de defensa: 2003-09-22)

    En esta tesis se estudia el problema de clasificación de estructuras simplécticas definidas en un entorno de una órbita singular compacta de un sistema completamente integrable sobre una variedad simpléctica para las cuales ...

    On també vivim: cap a una redefinició de l'habitabilitat des de la diversitat 

    Arcas Abella, Joaquim (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-18)

    The ecological -and yet social- imperative of the reduction of environmental impact represents a challenge for todays society and for the industrial lifestyle. This challenge can only be faced through the activation of ...

    On the (k, t)-metric dimension of a graph 

    Estrada Moreno, Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2016-03-29)

    En aquesta tesi s'estudia la dimensió (k,t)-mètrica dels grafs. Particularment s'emfatitza en la dimensió k-mètrica i la dimensió de k-adjacència. Al primer capítol es dedica als conceptes bàsics i les notacions emprades ...

    On the algebraic limit cycles of quadratic systems 

    Sorolla Bardají, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2005-05-17)

    On the Analysis of Network Reliability and Spatial Networks with Point Patterns 

    Llagostera Blasco, Pol (Fecha de defensa: 2023-04-28)

    Actualment, les xarxes estan presents en molts àmbits i en molts aspectes de la vida quotidiana, des de xarxes de carreteres fins a formulacions químiques. Aquesta tendència ha augmentat en els últims anys a causa de ...

    On the association between chromosomal rearragements and genic evolution in mammals 

    Marquès i Bonet, Tomàs (Fecha de defensa: 2007-01-15)

    The main objectives of this work are:<br/>a) To test the predictions of suppressed-recombination chromosomal speciation models on two different lineages of mammals: rodents and rimates. Suppressed-recombination chromosomal ...

    On the automatic detection of otolith features for fish species identification and their age estimation 

    Sória Pérez, José A. (José Antonio) (Fecha de defensa: 2013-01-21)

    This thesis deals with the automatic detection of features in signals, either extracted from photographs or captured by means of electronic sensors, and its possible application in the detection of morphological structures ...

    On the changes in dynamic behavior produced by the hydraulic turbine runner damage 

    Zhang, Ming (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-17)

    Hydropower plays a very important role in the world electricity generation nowadays. Hydropower is one type of renewable energy and is the only renewable energy source that can provide a wide range of power regulation with ...

    On the characterisation of the Galactic warp in the Gaia era 

    Abedi, Hoda (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-27)

    We explore the possibility of detecting and characterising the warp of the stellar disc of our Galaxy using synthetic Gaia data and two available proper motion catalogues namely UCAC4 and PPMXL. We develop a new kinematic ...

    On the characterization of protein-DNA interactions using statistical potentials and protein-protein interactions 

    Fornés Crespo, Oriol (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-21)

    Protein-DNA interactions are indispensable players in the daily activities of cells. DNA-binding proteins regulate gene expression and are responsible of DNA replication, packaging, repair and recombination. Among them, ...

    On the circulation of the North Atlantic shadow zone 

    Peña Izquierdo, Jesús (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-20)

    Regions isolated from the wind-driven circulation are found in the eastern margins of the world's tropical oceans. The weak and stagnant circulation of these so-called “shadow zones”, in combination with the intense ...

    On the co-design of scientific applications and long vector architectures 

    Gómez Crespo, Constantino (Fecha de defensa: 2022-05-23)

    The landscape of High Performance Computing (HPC) system architectures keeps expanding with new technologies and increased complexity. To improve the efficiency of next-generation compute devices, architects are looking ...

    On the complexity of resolution-based proof systems 

    Oliva Valls, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2013-05-02)

    Propositional Proof Complexity is the area of Computational Complexity that studies the length of proofs in propositional logic. One of its main questions is to determine which particular propositional formulas have short ...

    On the consistency of hysteresis models 

    Fuad Mohammad Naser, Mohammad (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-30)

    Hysteresis is a nonlinear behavior encountered in a wide variety of processes including biology, optics, electronics, ferroelectricity, magnetism, mechanics, structures, among other areas. One of the main features of ...

    On the data quality improvement of air pollution monitoring low-cost sensor networks using data-driven techniques 

    Ferrer Cid, Pau (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-08)

    (English) Nowadays, authorities monitor the concentrations of regulated air pollutants in order to assist in decision-making processes, e.g., for the implementation of traffic restrictions, and mitigate the effects of air ...

    On the design and construction de agent-mediated institucions 

    Rodríguez Aguilar, Juan Antonio (Fecha de defensa: 2001-07-25)

    El presente trabajo aborda la especificación, diseño e implementación de organizaciones abiertas de agentes. Se defiende que tales organizaciones pueden ser diseñadas e implementadas de manera efectiva como organizaciones ...

    On the design and development of programming models for exascale systems 

    Maroñas, Marcos (Fecha de defensa: 2021-02-17)

    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems have been evolving over time to adapt to the scientific community requirements. We are currently approaching to the Exascale era. Exascale systems will incorporate a large number ...

    On the design and implementation of flexible software platforms to facilitate the development of advanced graphics applications 

    Fairen Gonzalez, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2000-11-23)

    This thesis presents the design and implementation of a software development platform (ATLAS) which offers some tools and methods to greatly simplify the construction of fairly sophisticated applications. It allows thus ...

    On the design and optimization of heterogeneous distributed storage systems 

    Pàmies Juárez, Lluís (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-19)

    Durant la última dècada, la demanda d’emmagatzematge de dades ha anat creixent exponencialment any rere any. Apart de demanar més capacitat d’emmagatzematge, el usuaris actualment també demanen poder accedir a les seves ...