Now showing items 18139-18158 of 43211

    Evaluation and comparison of advanced treatment technologies to enhance the removal of pharmaceutical active compounds from wwtp secondary effluent 

    Sbardella, Luca (Date of defense: 2019-05-22)

    The presence of several pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in water bodies has garnered increasing attention and worldwide concern. The effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are one of the main sources ...

    Evaluation and improvement of road vehicle pollutant emission factors based on instantaneous emissions data processing 

    Franco García, Vicente (Date of defense: 2014-06-09)

    <p>Introduction<br/> Current instrumentation makes it possible to measure vehicle emissions with high temporal resolution. But the increased resolution of emissions signals does not equate with increased accuracy. A ...

    Evaluation and optimisation of energy-efficient heat pump integrated into different applications for simultaneous cooling and heating with alternative refrigerants 

    Al-Sayyab, Ali (Date of defense: 2023-06-02)

    In this thesis, an innovative compound photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) waste heat–driven ejector heat pump system was developed for simultaneous cooling and heating. The system arrangement combines five promising environmentally ...

    Evaluation des objectifs du Programme APQUA Scolaire 12-16: Formulation et analyse de cohérence. 

    El-Boudamoussi, Samira (Date of defense: 2002-12-09)

    El present treball té com a finalitat aflorar, de manera sistemàtica i estructurada, els objectius que es troben implícits en els materials curriculars d'un programa educatiu de ciències, el Programa APQUA Escolar 12-16, ...

    Evaluation et didactique de la traduction: le cas de la traduction dans la langue étrangère 

    Martínez Melis, Nicole (Date of defense: 2001-05-18)

    Cette thèse qui se situe dans la branche appliquée de la traductologie propose des procédures, des tâches et des critères pour l'évaluation - dans sa fonction sommative - de la compétence de traduction de l'étudiant dans ...

    Evaluation model for organizational culture adaptations to implement Lean Manufacturing successfully 

    Taherimashhadi, Mehrsa (Date of defense: 2018-10-18)

    Since the emergence of Lean Manufacturing, many organizations strived to implement it. Nonetheless, sustainable Lean transformation is not as easy as to be simply achieved. Severa!aspects need to be taken into account ...

    Evaluation of (eco)toxicity and biodegradability of short aliphatic protic ionic liquids 

    Peric, Brezana (Date of defense: 2014-12-17)

    Ionic liquids (ILs) are a fairly new and very promising group of compounds. They are often considered as environmentally benign substitutes for traditional volatile organic solvents due to their attractive properties and ...

    Evaluation of autumn frost resistance in Juglans regia L. 

    Guàrdia Bel, Mercè (Date of defense: 2013-09-20)

    Les diferents tasques exposades en aquesta tesi busquen aprofundir en els coneixements sobre la resistència de Juglans regia L. a les gelades de tardor, en les vessants metodològica, genètica i ecofisiològica. El primer ...

    Evaluation of Beer Sensory Quality and Shelf Life Stability Using Multivariate Analysis Techniques 

    De Lima E Silva, Ana Carolina (Date of defense: 2024-03-07)

    La cervesa és una beguda alcohòlica fermentada produïda a partir d'aigua, ordi maltat, llúpol i llevat. Generalment, la qualitat i vida útil de la cervesa es determinen per la seva aparença, aroma, sabor i textura, i estan ...

    Evaluation of BET proteins and LSD1 as epigenetic targets for peripheral nerve injury treatment 

    Palomés Borrajo, Georgina (Date of defense: 2024-03-13)

    La lesió traumàtica del nervi perifèric afavoreix la desconnexió entre axons i òrgans diana, provocant greus defectes funcionals en els sistemes motor, sensorial o autònom. A més, els subjectes que pateixen lesions nervioses ...

    Evaluation of bioactive coatings for titanium surfaces: a proteomic approach 

    Cerqueira, Andreia Filipa Lages (Date of defense: 2022-04-04)

    Titanium is among the most commonly used metals as a standard treatment for bone defects. Despite its excellent mechanical and biocompatibility properties, Ti is relatively bioinert and surface modifications are necessary ...

    Evaluation of biological control agents against Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Portugal 

    Silva, Ricardo Neves Petersen (Date of defense: 2015-07-17)

    Pine wilt disease is the result of a complex interaction between a nematode, a host tree and an insect vector. The pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle is the causal agent, being ...

    Evaluation of biomarkers for studying new challenges in tobacco control 

    Pérez - Martín, Hipólito (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    El tabaquismo es reconocido a nivel global como un factor de riesgo significativo para la salud pública y una de las principales causas de muertes prevenibles. España ha implementado políticas de control del tabaco con el ...

    Evaluation of biotoxins in marine ecosystems by new analytical and biological strategies 

    Bosch Orea, Cristina (Date of defense: 2021-01-29)

    In this thesis is presented the development of different analytical methodologies for the analysis of marine biotoxins in seawater. The objectives were the development of the methods and the application to study the biotoxins ...

    Evaluation of caridotoxicity of rupatadine, and antihistamine, as recommendeded by ICH E14 

    Donado Budiño, Esther Guillermina (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    OBJETIVOS: Para evaluar los efectos de las dosis terapéuticas y supraterapéuticas de rupatadina en la repolarización cardiaca mediante un 'thorough QT/QTc study', realizado de acuerdo con la Conferencia Internacional ...

    Evaluation of clinical strategies to cure HIV-1 infection in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy 

    Morón-López, Sara (Date of defense: 2016-09-20)

    El desenvolupament de fàrmacs que inhibeixen el cicle de replicació del virus de la immunodeficiència humana tipus 1 (VIH-1), coneguts com teràpia antiretroviral combinada (TAR), va ser un dels majors èxits clínics del ...

    Evaluation of compositional changes in pecan nuts during storage and the use of pulsed electric fields as an aid to enhance oil extraction yield 

    Rábago Panduro, Lourdes Melisa (Date of defense: 2021-02-19)

    Les nous pacanes són una font important d’àcids grassos mono- i poliinsaturats, fitosterols, tocoferols i compostos fenòlics. La tecnologia de polsos elèctrics (PE) s’està aplicant com a pretractament per millorar l’extracció ...

    Evaluation of cortical microinfarcts in patients with Down syndrome 

    Aranha, Mateus Rozalem (Date of defense: 2023-11-07)

    Conclusió: Els resultats d'aquest estudi recolzen la nostra hipòtesi principal que els MIC en la SD estan relacionats amb l'angiopatia amiloide cerebral, possiblement associats a un fenotip d'imatge no hemorràgic de la ...

    Evaluation of current feeding and management practices in Irish pig production and future strategies for improvement 

    Rodrigues da Costa, Maria (Date of defense: 2018-10-26)

    Aquesta tesi te com objectius caracteritzar les pràctiques de bioseguretat, alimentació, i maneig de malalties respiratòries en el sector porcí irlandès per quantificar el seu impacte sobre la productivitat. Això, permetrà ...

    Evaluation of die attach materials for high temperature power electronics appictions and analysis of the Ag particles sintering solution 

    Navarro Melchor, Luis Alberto (Date of defense: 2015-07-23)

    La sinterització de partícules d'Ag és una solució interessant com a material per "die-attach" pels mòduls de l'electrònica de potència, principalment per aplicacions d'alta temperatura, ja que ofereix les bones propietats ...