Ara mostrant els elements 19430-19449 de 42429

    Free energy and information-content measurements in thermodynamic and molecular ensembles 

    Martínez Monge, Álvaro (Data de defensa: 2019-05-28)

    Single-molecule experiments have emerged as a powerful tool that allow researchers to investigate the physical behavior of individual molecules with unprecedented resolution. The feasibility exerting forces at the piconewton ...

    "Free from drear decays of Age": Construction and Reception of the Authorial Self in Anna Seward's Later Career Writings (1786-1811) 

    Blanch Serrat, Francesca (Data de defensa: 2021-10-22)

    Anna Seward (1742-1809) va ser una intel·lectual, poeta i crítica literària anglesa. Celebrada com “la musa immortal de Gran Bretanya” (1811:147), Seward va tenir una posició central dins de la vida cultural del seu Lichfield ...

    Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC): A framework for corporate engagement with indigenous peoples and the sustainable development of natural resources 

    Klein, Laurence (Data de defensa: 2024-02-26)

    While in the traditional human rights discourse, states are seen as the sole guarantors of human rights, companies are increasingly tasked with human rights duties by states. Based on the normative and moral narrative ...

    Freedom of expression and its limits in sport 

    Abanazir, Suat Cem (Data de defensa: 2019-12-05)

    As a social and economic force, sport is an integral part of globalised society. Sport is organised and followed globally. Therefore, the organisation of sport at the hands of sport governing bodies and the use of the idea ...

    Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches 

    Vilagran Martí, Ingrid (Data de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    Sperm cryopreservation is currently the most suitable technique to store boar sperm samples for a long period of time. However, not all boar ejaculations present the same freezability, this allows the classification of ...

    Freeze concentration for the valorization of agro-industrial waste effluents 

    Uald Lamkaddam, Imane (Data de defensa: 2022-10-10)

    The main purpose in this thesis is to implement and demonstrate the technical feasibility of an innovative technology to concentrate and/or recover valuable compounds from agro-industrial waste effluents or by-products on ...

    Freeze concentration of cofee extract : study of block and fallling-film techniques = Crioconcentración de extracto acuoso de café : estudio de las técnicas de bloque total y película descendente 

    Moreno Moreno, Fabián Leonardo (Data de defensa: 2014-11-05)

    Coffee is the most traded food in the world. The coffee industry has a great economic and social relevance worldwide. The sensory and functional properties of the product are highly important for the consumers, and therefore, ...

    Frequency of zoonotic enteric pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in wild boar (Sus scrofa) Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and sympatric free-ranging livestock in a natural environment (NE Spain) 

    Navarro González, Nora (Data de defensa: 2013-07-10)

    La transmisión de patógenos zoonósicos desde la fauna salvaje al ganado doméstico, y vice-versa, es una problemática global ya que los ungulados salvajes aumentan en número y distribución en toda Europa, incluso en áreas ...

    Freqüència i origen d'anomalies meiòtiques en individus fèrtils: Mecanismes de no disjunció 

    Uroz Brosa, Laia (Data de defensa: 2009-06-25)

    Les anomalies cromosòmiques a l'espècie humana són la causa principal de retard mental, retard del desenvolupament, infertilitat i esterilitat, afectant al voltant d'un 50% dels avortaments espontanis, un 6% de les morts ...

    Freqüència i patró de l'heteroplàsmia mitocondrial humana 

    Ramos Reche, Amanda (Data de defensa: 2012-04-27)

    La investigació desenvolupada en la present Tesi està enfocada a l’estudi de l’heteroplàsmia mitocondrial humana. Els treballs d’heteroplàsmia mitocondrial que s’han publicat fins al moment d’inici de la Tesi s’han centrat ...

    Freshwater meiofauna in Mediterranean lotic systems: community structure, adaptations and contribution to functional processes / Meiofauna d’aigua dolça en sistemes lòtics mediterranis:estructura de les seves comunitats, adaptacions i contribució en els processos funcionals 

    Gaudes Saez, Ainhoa (Data de defensa: 2011-07-07)

    This thesis focuses on the study of the meiofaunal community in streams and rivers of the Mediterranean region. It approaches to a community level from a functional point of view, studying their response as a whole to ...

    Friend or Foe: Exploring the relationship between Organizational Aspira-tions, Ambidexterity and Network paradigms 

    Shijaku, Shijaku (Data de defensa: 2016-09-30)

    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es revitalizar medidas de centralidad bajo un prisma dinámico que permite el análisis de la evolución de redes sociales bajo una nueva perspectiva. Además, utilizamos la idea de inserción ...

    Friend or foe? The relative role of earwigs as pests versus biocontrol agents in citrus canopies 

    Romeu Dalmau, Carla (Data de defensa: 2012-04-26)

    Les tisoretes (Insecta: Dermaptera) són comunes en els sistemes agrícoles. La majoria d’estudis sobre aquest insecte han tingut lloc als EEUU, Oceania, i al nord i centre d’Europa, majoritàriament en cultius de pomes i ...

    Friends or foes in virus-host interactions: Cell regulation of HIV-1 replication 

    Ruiz de Andrés, Alba (Data de defensa: 2014-12-05)

    El VIH és un patogen intracel·lular obligat i per tant està totalment subjecte als recursos intracel·lulars disponibles. El tractament antiretroviral actual suprimeix la replicació viral però no evita la persistència i la ...

    Friendship of young people with intellectual disabilities: supports and barriers. A training programme to work on the social skills related to the establishment and maintenance of friendships 

    Diaz Garolera, Gemma (Data de defensa: 2019-12-04)

    Social relationships and social participation have an important impact on the social inclusion processes of people with intellectual disabilities (ID). However, research suggests that social networks of people with ID ...

    From affective computing to empathic adaptive systems: inference and induction of emotion in ecologically-valid contexts to foster novel paradigms of human-computer interaction 

    Betella, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2015-10-23)

    Due to the complexity of the natural world, scientific studies on cognitive, behavioral and physiological phenomena are typically conducted under strict laboratory conditions. Nonetheless, recent technological improvements ...

    From agent-based models to artificial economies 

    Teglio, Andrea (Data de defensa: 2011-10-03)

    The aim of this thesis is to propose and illustrate an alternative approach to economic modeling and policy design that is grounded in the innovative field of agent-based computational economics (ACE). The recent crisis ...

    From archaeological prospection to communication using learning theory. Multi-variable maping and 3D representations in archaeology and built heritage 

    Tamba, Robert (Data de defensa: 2016-01-13)

    La geofísica arqueològica es basa en la mesura de propietats físiques. S'aplica per la documentació de jaciments arqueològics. Inclou una seqüència de tasques que en tres fases (1) el camp, (2) la transformació de les dades ...

    From asymptotic hypothesis testing to entropy inequalities 

    Hirche, Christoph (Data de defensa: 2018-05-09)

    Aquesta tesi tracta sobre la relació entre el contrast d'hipòtesis quàntiques i les desigualtats entròpiques en la teoria quàntica de la informació. A la primera part de la tesi ens centrem en el contrast d'hipòtesis. ...

    From bee venom to blood-brain barrier shuttles. Development of minimized apamin derivatives for brain delivery of antibodies and other cargoes 

    Oller Salvia, Benjamí (Data de defensa: 2015-05-18)

    Brain delivery is a major unmet challenge because most drugs cannot cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Despite the restrictive nature of this barrier, brain vasculature reaches essentially every neural cell to supply it ...